上司角色 改由AI扮演
When Conor Sprouls, a customer service representative in the call center of insurance giant MetLife talks to a customer over the phone, he keeps one eye on the bottom-right corner of his screen. There, in a little blue box, A.I. tells him how he’s doing.
Talking too fast? The program flashes an icon of a speedometer, indicating that he should slow down.
Sound sleepy? The software displays an “energy cue,” with a picture of a coffee cup. Not empathetic enough? A heart icon pops up.
For decades, people have fearfully imagined armies of hyper-efficient robots invading offices and factories, gobbling up jobs once done by humans. But in all of the worry about the potential of artificial intelligence to replace rank-and-file workers, we may have overlooked the possibility it will replace the bosses, too.
Sprouls and the other call center workers at his office in Warwick, Rhode Island, still have plenty of human supervisors. But the software on their screens — made by Cogito, an A.I. company in Boston — has become a kind of adjunct manager, always watching them. At the end of every call, Sprouls’ Cogito notifications are tallied and added to a statistics dashboard that his supervisor can view. If he hides the Cogito window by minimizing it, the program notifies his supervisor.
Cogito is one of several A.I. programs used in call centers and other workplaces. The goal, according to Joshua Feast, Cogito’s chief executive, is to make workers more effective by giving them real-time feedback.
“There is variability in human performance,” Feast said. “We can infer from the way people are speaking with each other whether things are going well or not.”
The goal of automation has always been efficiency, but in this new kind of workplace, A.I. sees humanity itself as the thing to be optimized. Amazon uses complex algorithms to track worker productivity in its fulfillment centers, and can automatically generate the paperwork to fire workers who don’t meet their targets, as The Verge uncovered this year.
效率一直是自動化的目標,但在這種新型工作場所中,人工智慧把人性本身看作是需要優化的事物。一如The Verge今年所揭露的,亞馬遜使用複雜演算法追蹤履行中心員工的生產力,且可自動製成文件用以開除未達目標的員工。
(Amazon has disputed that it fires workers without human input, saying that managers can intervene in the process.) IBM has used Watson, its A.I. platform, during employee reviews to predict future performance and claims it has a 96% accuracy rate.
Then there are the startups. Cogito, which works with large insurance companies like MetLife and Humana as well as financial and retail firms, says it has 20,000 users. Percolata, a Silicon Valley company that counts Uniqlo and 7-Eleven among its clients, uses in-store sensors to calculate a “true productivity” score for each worker, and rank workers from most to least productive.
AI時代來臨,除可能取代一般勞工還能扮演管理階層,挾高效率之姿掀起職場存亡戰,而rank-and-file指「一般的、基層的」,文中當形容詞用,該複合字還能單獨當名詞使用,意指「一般大眾、普通士兵」。另外,同段片語gobble up意為「狼吞虎嚥或大量耗掉」,文中指「大舉奪去」。
supervisor指上級督導或主管,動詞為supervise。而相對於主管的就是部屬,英文是subordinate,又值得注意的是,adjunct在文中指的是「兼任的」意思,亦即並非原本的,正式的,而是「附加的、附屬的」。adjunct professor是兼任教授。
文中出現的The Verge是美國一個科技新聞及媒體網站,成立於2011年,發布新聞、長篇專題報導、產品評價、部落格,以及娛樂節目。由Vox媒體在紐約曼哈坦的辦事處操作。