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2024/07/19 第494期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Faced With a Russian Onslaught, Ukraine Struggles to Keep the Lights On 面對俄國猛攻 烏克蘭力保供電無虞
Flood of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Lawsuits Expected 「永久化學物質」訴訟將如洪水襲來
Faced With a Russian Onslaught, Ukraine Struggles to Keep the Lights On 面對俄國猛攻 烏克蘭力保供電無虞
文/Maria Varenikova, Constant M

面對俄國猛攻 烏克蘭力保供電無虞

As Ukraine struggles to hold back Russian advances, the country's officials say they are once again facing the formidable challenge of keeping electricity flowing as Moscow's forces increasingly strike power plants.


To conserve energy, the government has ordered nationwide rolling blackouts for Monday night, broadening the smaller regional ones that have become the norm in recent weeks.


“This is another front line in the war,” said Maxim Timchenko, the head of DTEK, Ukraine's largest private electricity company, on social media last week. He said the company's workers were engaged in a "race against time" to restore power to consumers.


The nationwide blackout, scheduled from 6 p.m. to midnight, will affect the entire country for the first time this year, but it is unclear if it will continue past Monday.


The winter of 2022-2023 was especially hard on Ukrainians after Russian forces struck many power plants, leaving much of the population without heat in the bitter cold. But after that, Ukrainian forces became more adept at shooting down incoming missiles and had more weapons at their disposal to do so. At least until this spring.


As Ukrainian troops run low on weaponry, especially after the United States slowed down deliveries of arms, they have been less able to protect themselves against Russian barrages that have also become more sophisticated.


Stepped-up attacks by Russia are raising fears that power cuts will not only affect consumers but that they will also hurt Ukraine's defense industry when it is most needed.


Besides imposing blackouts, Ukraine is asking for assistance from its Western partners, requesting power grid equipment and emergency electricity imports. On Sunday, Ukraine imported power from Romania, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary and Moldova.


Ukraine is also requesting more air defense systems, especially the U.S.-made Patriot system, both to protect its electricity grid and to help it resist the Russian offensive in the northeastern Kharkiv region that started 10 days ago. Deep State, a group that analyzes combat footage and has close links to the Ukrainian army, said Sunday that Russian forces had advanced in 10 different locations in Ukraine's east and south, but had not captured any new villages.


Flood of ‘Forever Chemicals’ Lawsuits Expected 「永久化學物質」訴訟將如洪水襲來
文/Hiroko Tabuchi


The defense lawyer minced no words as he addressed a room full of plastic-industry executives. Prepare for a wave of lawsuits with potentially “astronomical” costs. Speaking at a conference this year, the lawyer, Brian Gross, said the coming litigation could “dwarf anything related to asbestos,” one of the most sprawling corporate-liability battles in U.S. history.


Gross was referring to PFAS, the “forever chemicals” that have emerged as one of the major pollution issues of our time. Used for decades in countless everyday objects — cosmetics, takeout containers, frying pans — PFAS have been linked to serious health risks including cancer. Last month the federal government said several types of PFAS must be removed from the drinking water of hundreds of millions of Americans.


The chemicals, plastics and related industries are gearing up to fight a surge in litigation related to PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, a class of nearly 15,000 versatile synthetic chemicals.


PFAS chemicals have been detected almost everywhere scientists have looked: in drinking water, in rain falling over the Great Lakes, even in Antarctic snow. They are thought to be present in the blood of nearly every American. Researchers have linked exposure to PFAS to testicular and kidney cancers, developmental delays in children, decreased fertility, liver damage and thyroid disease. The human-made chemicals are so long-lasting that scientists haven’t been able to reliably identify how long it might take for them to break down.


The Biden administration has moved to regulate the chemicals, for the first time requiring municipal water systems to remove six types of PFAS. Last month, the Environmental Protection Agency also designated two of those PFAS chemicals as hazardous substances under the Superfund law, shifting responsibility for their cleanup at contaminated sites from taxpayers to polluters.


Both rules are expected to prompt litigation from water utilities, local communities and others suing for cleanup costs.


PFAS were an industrial marvel when chemists at Dupont in the 1940s synthesized the material, a remarkably durable compound resistant to water, stains, heat and grease. It quickly became a mainstay in DuPont’s Teflon nonstick pans and 3M’s Scotchgard fabric protector. A powerful fire suppressant, it helped firefighters battle flames. Today, they are used for everyday items as varied as microwave popcorn bags, shampoos, raincoats and firefighting foam.


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