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2024/07/26 第495期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 New Star Wars Plan: Pentagon Rushes to Counter Threats in Orbit 新星戰計畫:五角大廈加緊反制太空威脅
A.I.'s Effect on Election Is Still Mostly Theoretical AI預告顛覆2024大選 仍屬理論
New Star Wars Plan: Pentagon Rushes to Counter Threats in Orbit 新星戰計畫:五角大廈加緊反制太空威脅
文/Eric Lipton


The Pentagon is rushing to expand its capacity to wage war in space, convinced that rapid advances by China and Russia in space-based operations pose a growing threat to U.S. troops and other military assets on the ground and U.S. satellites in orbit.


Details of the push by the Pentagon remain highly classified. But Defense Department officials have increasingly acknowledged that the initiative reflects a major shift in military operations as space increasingly becomes a battleground.


No longer will the United States simply rely on military satellites to communicate, navigate and track and target terrestrial threats, tools that for decades have given the Pentagon a major advantage in conflicts.


Instead, the Defense Department is looking to acquire a new generation of ground- and space-based tools that will allow it to defend its satellite network from attack and, if necessary, to disrupt or disable enemy spacecraft in orbit, Pentagon officials have said in a series of interviews, speeches and recent statements.


The strategy differs fundamentally from previous military programs in space by expanding the range of offensive capabilities — a far cry from the never-built 1980s-era Strategic Defense Initiative proposal, for example, which was focused on using satellites to protect the U.S. from nuclear missile strikes.


“We must protect our space capabilities while also being able to deny an adversary the hostile use of its space capabilities,” Gen. Chance Saltzman, chief of space operations at the Space Force, the agency created in 2019 as a new division of the Air Force Department to lead the effort, said in March.


Pentagon officials and a recent unclassified assessment by the director of national intelligence say that Russia and China have tested or deployed systems such as ground-based high-energy lasers, antisatellite missiles or maneuverable satellites that could be used to disrupt U.S. space assets.


The concern has only escalated with reports that Russia may be developing a space-based nuclear weapon that could broadly wipe out satellites in orbit, both commercial and military. Russia’s use of electronic jamming tools during the war in Ukraine — which have at times disrupted advanced U.S. weapons systems — is cited by Pentagon officials as another reason the United States must intensify its defenses in space.


“It is now not theoretical,” Gen. Stephen Whiting, who oversees Space Command, which is responsible for using space assets to defend the United States, said in a meeting with reporters last month in Colorado. “It’s real. It’s deployed, out in the environment.”


A.I.'s Effect on Election Is Still Mostly Theoretical AI預告顛覆2024大選 仍屬理論
文/Shane Goldmacher, Tiffany Hs

AI預告顛覆2024大選 仍屬理論

Artificial intelligence helped make turnout predictions in the Mississippi elections last year, when one group used the technology to transcribe, summarize and synthesize audio recordings of its door knockers’ interactions with voters into reports on what they were hearing in each county.


Another group recently compared messages translated by humans and AI into six Asian languages and found them all to be similarly effective. A Democratic firm tested four versions of a voice-over ad — two spoken by humans, two by AI — and found that the male AI voice was as persuasive as its human equivalent (the female voice outperformed her AI equivalent).


The era of artificial intelligence has officially arrived on the campaign trail. But the much-anticipated, and feared, technology remains confined to the margins of American campaigns.


With less than five months until the 2024 election, the political uses of AI are more theoretical than transformational, both as a constructive communications tool or as a way to spread dangerous disinformation. The Biden campaign said it has strictly limited its use of generative AI — which uses prompts to create text, audio or images — to productivity and data-analysis tools, while the Trump campaign said it does not use the technology at all.


“This is the dog that didn’t bark,” said Dmitri Mehlhorn, a political adviser to one of the Democratic Party’s most generous donors, Reid Hoffman. “We haven’t found a cool thing that uses generative AI to invest in to actually win elections this year.”


Technologists and political operatives have little doubt of AI’s power to transform the political stage — eventually. A new report from Higher Ground Labs, which invests in political technology companies to benefit progressive causes and candidates, found that while the technology remains in “the experimental stage,” it also represents “a generational opportunity” for the Democratic Party to get ahead.


Both Democrats and Republicans are also racing to shield themselves against the threat of a new category of political dark arts, featuring AI-fueled disinformation in the form of deepfakes and other false or misleading content. Before the New Hampshire primary in January, an AI-generated robocall that mimicked President Joe Biden’s voice in an attempt to suppress votes led to a new federal rule banning such calls.


人在太空 有恙?無恙?

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