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2024/08/23 第499期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Hollywood Sharpens Aim at Online Pirates 好萊塢加強掃蕩線上盜版
Biden Awards $504 Million to a Dozen ‘Tech Hubs’ Across the Country 拜登撒幣 盼改造被忽視地區成科技中心
Hollywood Sharpens Aim at Online Pirates 好萊塢加強掃蕩線上盜版
文/Brooks Barnes


In recent years, Hollywood has become much better at hunting pirates. Just last week, five men were convicted of operating Jetflicks, an illegal streaming site that federal prosecutors said offered a stolen lineup of TV shows and movies that was larger than the combined catalogs of Netflix, Hulu and Amazon’s Prime Video.

最近幾年,好萊塢變得更善於追捕盜版。就在上周,5名男子因經營非法串流網站Jetflicks被定罪。聯邦檢察官說,該網站提供的盜版電視節目和電影陣容,比網飛、Hulu和亞馬遜Prime Video的目錄相加更大。

But thieves are also getting better, moving operations overseas and taking advantage of the rising popularity of streaming to steal more content.


So, entertainment companies — under pressure from Wall Street to improve streaming economics — are intensifying their anti-piracy efforts, hiring a former FBI official to lead the drive and renewing a push for federal legislation to combat online thievery overseas. The companies, which include Netflix, Disney, NBCUniversal and Warner Bros. Discovery, are expanding their piracy policing to include live sports.


On Monday, the Motion Picture Association, a trade group that represents those companies and others, said it had hired Larissa L. Knapp, a 27-year veteran of the FBI, as its top pirate chaser. In her time at the bureau, Knapp served in senior positions in national security, counterterrorism, intelligence and cybersecurity. She got her start at the FBI as a special agent investigating computer hacking and intellectual property crimes and ultimately became the bureau’s fourth-highest-ranking official and highest-ranking woman.


Her formal title at the Motion Picture Association will be executive vice president and chief of global content protection. Knapp succeeds Jan van Voorn, a Dutch anti-piracy expert who left in March to run IP House, a private-equity-backed startup that focuses on copyright enforcement.

她在美國電影協會的正式頭銜將是執行副總裁兼全球內容保護主管。納普接替荷蘭反盜版專家范沃恩。范沃恩在3月辭職,以經營一家私募股權支持的新創企業IP House,專注著作權執行。

The association’s anti-piracy effort is known as ACE, which stands for the innocuous-sounding Alliance for Creativity and Entertainment. Started in 2017, ACE is a coalition of more than 50 media companies around the world. Before its creation, the Motion Picture Association was completing about a dozen anti-piracy actions a year; it now executes a dozen or more actions a week. There were 1,400 illegal streaming sites in North America in 2019. The number is now closer to 200.



Biden Awards $504 Million to a Dozen ‘Tech Hubs’ Across the Country 拜登撒幣 盼改造被忽視地區成科技中心
文/Madeleine Ngo and Ana Swanso

拜登撒幣 盼改造被忽視地區成科技中心

The Biden administration awarded $504 million Tuesday to a dozen projects across the country in a bid to transform communities that had been overlooked in the past into technological powerhouses.


The grants will fund “tech hubs” that aim to bolster the production of critical technologies in regions including western Montana, central Indiana, south Florida and upstate New York. The hubs are meant to accelerate the growth of advanced industries in the United States, such as biomanufacturing, clean energy, artificial intelligence and personalized medicine.


The program reflects a federal effort to expand America’s science and technology funding beyond Silicon Valley and a few coastal regions, an initiative Biden administration officials say will help revitalize areas that have traditionally received less government investment. Proponents say the projects will help create “good-paying” jobs and tap into underutilized pools of workers and resources across the country.


The $10 billion program was authorized by the CHIPS and Science Act, which Congress passed in 2022 to ramp up the domestic manufacturing of semiconductors and increase funding for scientific research. The idea of spreading technology funding beyond Silicon Valley helped the legislation win broader support from lawmakers representing parts of the country that were eager to benefit.


The Commerce Department initially considered nearly 400 applications, narrowing them to a pool of 31 projects that received “tech hub” designations in October. On Tuesday, 12 regions won grants that ranged from $19 million to $51 million.


It is unclear, however, how much more funding will be available. Although Congress authorized $10 billion for the five-year program when the CHIPS Act passed, only about $541 million — or roughly 5% — has been appropriated so far, which some say could hinder the program’s success.


One of the beneficiaries Tuesday was a project in Tulsa, Oklahoma, that aims to develop drones and other autonomous systems for customers including the U.S. military. It received $51 million.


Another winning project came from a consortium in Indiana called Heartland BioWorks, which was promised $51 million to invest in biotechnology and biomanufacturing, including in human, animal and plant biosciences.


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