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2024/09/06 第501期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 U.S. Weighs New Penalty To Curb Oil From Russia 美斟酌新罰則 遏制俄羅斯賣油營收
Burns From Scorching-Hot Sidewalks and Roads Are Rising, and Can Be Fatal 高溫路面燒傷增 嚴重恐奪命
U.S. Weighs New Penalty To Curb Oil From Russia 美斟酌新罰則 遏制俄羅斯賣油營收
文/Jim Tankersley and Alan Rapp

美斟酌新罰則 遏制俄羅斯賣油營收

Officials in President Joe Biden’s Treasury Department have proposed new actions aimed at crippling a fleet of aging oil tankers that are helping deliver Russian oil to buyers around the world in defiance of Western sanctions.


Their effort is aimed at punishing Russia but it has stalled amid White House concerns over how it would affect energy prices before the November election.


In an attempt to drain Russia of money needed to continue fighting its war in Ukraine, the United States and its allies have imposed penalties and taken other novel steps to limit how much Moscow earns from selling oil abroad. But Russia has increasingly found ways around those limits, raising pressure on the Biden administration to tighten its enforcement efforts.


Treasury officials want to do that, in part, by targeting a so-called shadow fleet of oil tankers allowing Russia to sell oil above a $60-per-barrel price cap that the United States and its allies imposed in 2022.


That cap was intended to restrict Moscow’s ability to profit from its energy exports while allowing its oil to continue flowing on international markets to prevent a global price shock. But Russia has largely circumvented the cap, allowing it to reap huge profits to fund its war efforts.


While Treasury officials want to knock Russian tankers out of commission, economic advisers inside the White House worry that would risk inflaming oil prices this summer and push up U.S. gasoline prices, which could hurt Biden’s reelection campaign. They have not signed off on the proposals, even as current and former Treasury officials present them with analyses suggesting the risks of a major effect on the oil market are low.


The dispute is a rare public instance of internal administration disagreement over inflation and Ukraine policy. It pits Treasury officials against aides on the White House National Economic Council, which is led by Lael Brainard.


Brainard declined to speak on the record about the process. White House officials refused to answer direct questions about oil-price concerns and the Treasury proposal.


Instead, the White House issued a statement from Amos Hochstein, a senior adviser to Biden.


“Our actions to enforce energy sanctions are focused on exacting a price on Russia, Iran and other bad actors while preventing a spike in the price of energy, which would not only hurt American consumers but increase the revenues of the same bad actors we are trying to hold accountable,” he said.


Burns From Scorching-Hot Sidewalks and Roads Are Rising, and Can Be Fatal 高溫路面燒傷增 嚴重恐奪命
文/Adeel Hassan and Isabelle Ta

高溫路面燒傷增 嚴重恐奪命

As climate change pushes summer temperatures ever higher and for longer stretches, and with more Americans moving into rapidly expanding cities in the Southwest, more people are suffering serious burns from contact with hot outdoor surfaces. For some, the burns are so extensive that they prove fatal, according to burn experts.


In 2022, the Arizona Burn Center at Valleywise Health Medical Center in Phoenix, the largest burn center in the Southwest, admitted 85 patients for contact burns over the summer. Last year, as Phoenix sweltered through 31 straight days of temperatures above 38 °C, that number climbed to 136 patients, 14 of whom died. This year, the center has already treated 50 patients, and four of them died.


“The people that are dying from these types of burns are not people who just end up with some blistering on their feet,” said Clifford C. Sheckter, surgeon and a burn prevention researcher at Stanford University.


“Your body just literally sits there and cooks,” Sheckter added. “When somebody finally finds you, you’re already in multisystem organ failure.”


No place records more surface burns than the desert Southwest, with its punishing temperatures and relentless sunlight.


Phoenix is the nation’s fastest-growing city, and the Las Vegas metro area has added more than 300,000 residents in the past decade, according to population estimates. As the cities grow, so does the risk of burns. Asphalt, a common culprit for contact burns, absorbs about 95% of the sun’s radiation.


When the air temperature in Las Vegas reaches 46 °C— as it did seven days in a row last week — the pavement temperature can climb to 71 °C. At that intensity, it takes a few seconds of contact to sustain a second-degree burn, and a few minutes to get a third-degree burn. In the most serious cases, a burn can affect the underlying muscle and even bone.


About 40% of patients require surgery for these injuries, according to the American Burn Association, to remove the damaged tissue and cover the area with a skin graft. Some spend weeks in the hospital recovering.


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