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2024/09/13 第502期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 The Perks and Pitfalls of Playing Superheroes 扮演超級英雄的好處與壞處
Warehouses Cause Spikes In Pollution, Study Finds 研究觀測發現 電商中心附近汙染暴增
The Perks and Pitfalls of Playing Superheroes 扮演超級英雄的好處與壞處
文/Kyle Buchanan


If there’s a magic formula for Hollywood success, “Deadpool & Wolverine” would appear to have refined it to a simple calculation: Just add Hugh Jackman’s “X-Men” superhero to the hit comic franchise anchored by Ryan Reynolds and reap the sure-to-be-lucrative dividends.


So why did a film that’s projected to be the summer’s biggest live-action blockbuster prove so difficult to get off the ground?


Although Reynolds had pitched a team-up to his close friend for years, Jackman initially resisted, preferring to let the well-reviewed “Logan” (2017) stand as his swan song with the gruff mutant Wolverine. And while the merger of Disney and Fox allowed Reynolds to set the third “Deadpool” movie starring his R-rated mercenary in the previously off-limits Marvel Cinematic Universe, he struggled to come up with a story that could capitalize on that opportunity. “It was just hard to find the thing that felt right,” Reynolds said.


In August 2022, just as Reynolds and director Shawn Levy debated putting their sequel on ice, Jackman placed a surprise call and told them he was willing to give his signature role one more go. “There’s parts of Wolverine that I scratched around and wanted to explore, but I wasn’t able to,” Jackman said. “In this film, there’s sides of him that I’ve always wanted to get out.”


On a video call in late June, both men had plenty to say about the long arc of portraying and eventually becoming the steward of major pop-cultural characters. Reynolds waged an uphill battle to make the first “Deadpool” film (2016), which was greenlit only after leaked test footage became an internet sensation. Off its modest $58 million budget, the movie grossed $782.8 million worldwide and gave Reynolds his first real franchise.


“I was an actor who was semi-well-known,” said Reynolds, who added jokingly, “I don’t know how you would phrase that without sounding like a dink. But I was 37 when ‘Deadpool’ had its pop-culture phenomenon moment, and I’m really grateful I was because I knew exactly how to enjoy it.”


While the first film was in theaters, he stood in a hotel room overlooking Los Angeles — “this place that I’d been busting my ass in for 18 years at that point” — and remembered feeling an appreciation for the series of small successes and false starts that led him to what now felt like superstardom.


Warehouses Cause Spikes In Pollution, Study Finds 研究觀測發現 電商中心附近汙染暴增

研究觀測發現 電商中心附近汙染暴增

They are mammoth warehouses large enough to fit football fields inside them, handling many of the more than 20 billion packages Americans send and receive each year.


But for people who live around them, the round-the-clock semitrailer traffic at these giant hubs significantly worsens air pollution, according to a new NASA-funded study that tracked pollutants from space.


The research, led by scientists at George Washington University, is the first of its kind; it used satellite technology to measure a harmful traffic-related pollutant called nitrogen dioxide, zooming in on nearly 150,000 large warehouses across the United States. They found that nitrogen dioxide, which can lead to asthma and other health problems, jumped 20% on average near the warehouses. At the busiest facilities the increase was higher.


“The average warehouse built since about 2010 looks a lot different than the warehouses that were built prior to that, with lot more loading docks, a lot more parking spaces,” said Gaige Kerr, the lead author of the study and an assistant research professor of environmental and occupational health at the Milken Institute School of Public Health of George Washington University.


“They’re also increasingly being built in dense clusters next to other warehouses, and attract a lot more traffic, specially heavy-duty vehicles. And that’s very bad when it comes to pollution.”


The research underscores how logistics hubs have fast become a significant contributor to pollution as American heavy industry, a traditional source of pollution, has receded over the past decades and as the power sector has cleaned up its power plants.


The researchers, who looked at traffic information from the Federal Highway Administration and demographic data from the Census Bureau, also found that communities with large racial and ethnic minority populations were often located near warehouses and inhaled more nitrogen dioxide and other pollutants.


They found, for example, that the proportion of Hispanic and Asian people living close to the largest clusters of warehouses in the study was about 2.5 times the nationwide average.


The study also found that a fifth of all of the warehouses were concentrated in just 10 counties, including Los Angeles County, California; Harris County, Texas; and Miami-Dade County, Florida.


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