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2024/09/20 第503期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Automakers Deprioritize Electric Cars 電動車銷售減少 製造商改變生產計畫
When AI Fails the Language Test, Who Is Left Out of the Conversation? AI沒能通過測驗 哪些語言遭忽略?
Automakers Deprioritize Electric Cars 電動車銷售減少 製造商改變生產計畫
文/Neal E. Boudette

電動車銷售減少 製造商改變生產計畫

For much of the last five years, automakers have been spending billions of dollars in a frantic race to develop electric vehicles and build factories to produce them, with expectations that consumers would flock to these new models.


But in the past 12 months, the growth rate of electric vehicle sales has slowed, as some car buyers have balked at the high prices of electric cars and trucks and the hassles of charging them.


The shift in consumer sentiment is now forcing many automakers to pull back on aggressive investment plans and pivot, at least partly, back to the internal-combustion engine vehicles that still account for most new car sales and a large share of corporate profits.


The latest example came Thursday when Ford Motor said it would retool a plant in Canada to produce large pickup trucks rather than the electric sport utility vehicles it had previously planned to make there.


Ford’s move comes a day after General Motors said it expected to make 200,000 to 250,000 battery-powered cars and trucks this year, about 50,000 fewer than it had previously forecast.


“After the pandemic, there was a huge exuberance around EVs, and I think a lot of the manufacturers thought that growth was going to continue,” said Arun Kumar, a partner and managing director in the automotive and industrial practice at AlixPartners, a consulting firm. “But the reality is that’s not the case, and it’s a smart move to make sure you’re not losing market share in internal combustion.”


Even Tesla, the leading producer of electric cars, has changed its plans because it no longer expects sales to grow 50% a year; its global sales fell 6.6% in the first six months of the year. The company has slowed plans to build an electric-car factory in Mexico and canceled a meeting in April between its CEO, Elon Musk, and the Indian prime minister, Narendra Modi, to discuss a new plant in that country.


When AI Fails the Language Test, Who Is Left Out of the Conversation? AI沒能通過測驗 哪些語言遭忽略?
文/Sara Ruberg

AI沒能通過測驗 哪些語言遭忽略?

Stanford researchers gave a popular artificial intelligence chatbot a language test.


They asked the bot in Vietnamese to write a traditional poem in the form known as “song thất lục bát” that follows a pattern of lines made up of seven, seven, six, then eight words. When the bot spit out an answer, it wrote a poem but didn’t follow the format.


The team tried a different prompt, asking what the proper Vietnamese word was for a mother’s younger brother, and it responded with the words for a father’s younger and older siblings.


While the use of AI has exploded in the West, much of the rest of the world has been left out of the conversation since most of the technology is trained in English. AI experts worry that the language gap could exacerbate technological inequities and that it could leave many regions and cultures behind.


A delay of access to good technology of even a few years “can potentially lead to a few decades of economic delay,” said Sang Truong, a doctoral candidate at the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory at Stanford University on the team that built and tested a Vietnamese language model against others.


The tests his team ran found that AI tools across the board could get facts and diction wrong when working with Vietnamese, likely because it is a “low-resource” language by industry standards, which means that there aren’t sufficient data sets and content available online for the AI model to learn from.


Low-resource languages are spoken by tens and sometimes hundreds of millions of people around the world, but they yield less digital data because AI tech development and online engagement is centered in the United States and China.


An analysis of top websites by W3Techs, a tech survey company, found that English makes up more than 60% of the internet’s language data. While English is widely spoken globally, native English speakers make up about 5% of the population, according to Ethnologue, a research organization that collects language data. Mandarin and Spanish are other examples of languages with a significant online presence and reliable digital data sets.


“Large companies like Google, Apple, OpenAI, for example, have not necessarily trained their models for tools that serve these markets,” Chinasa T. Okolo, a fellow at the Center for Technology Innovation at the Brookings Institution, said about communities with low-resource languages. “They don’t provide enough market value for them to do so.”


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