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2025/02/07 第523期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
紐時周報精選 Inside the 4-Day Workweek Experiment 周休3日實驗結果揭密
Tech Titans Recognize Trump Reality, and Rush to Curry Favor 川普重返白宮成真 科技巨頭爭獻媚
Inside the 4-Day Workweek Experiment 周休3日實驗結果揭密
文/Isabella Kwai


On a recent Wednesday morning, Matt Kimber did not sign into his job as a senior engineer at a software company. Instead, he went for a walk around his London neighborhood, picked up lunch at a cafe, and played with his two greyhounds.


His employer, BrandPipe, was pleased to hear it. The company is one of several British businesses testing a four-day workweek with no reduction in pay, part of a six-month trial involving about 1,000 workers organized by the advocacy group 4 Day Week.


After a previous pilot in 2022, 56 of 61 participating companies, or 92%, said they would continue with the four-day week, the group said. It is hoping to pave the way for a 32-hour, four-day week to be enshrined under British legislation, reducing the maximum number of hours currently allowed by law. Similar efforts have taken hold in Iceland, New Zealand, Scotland and the United States.


“It’s sound business sense,” said Geoff Slaughter, a co-founder of BrandPipe. “If you’ve got a team that’s happy, you’re less likely to lose them.”


To prepare for the trial, BrandPipe, which is fully remote, went through six weeks of workshops run by the 4 Day Week Campaign to help work out the logistics. The company collectively decided on a flexible arrangement in which employees take different days off, to ensure that clients are covered through the week. Most companies in the pilot are giving employees an extra day off each week, while some opted for a day off every other week.


Everyone at BrandPipe attends a weekly team meeting, and key tasks have “surrogates” so that one employee can handle them if another is off, Slaughter said. The firm emailed clients explaining its participation in the pilot, he said, and reassured them that it would not cause disruptions.


“What we’re trying to achieve here is making sure that we’ve got fresher minds for longer,” he said. “Because that’s when we’re doing our best work.”


After the first trial, from June to December in 2022, 70% of the nearly 3,000 employees involved said they felt a decrease in stress and burnout, while companies reported no negative impact to their revenue, according to a report by the program’s organizers.


After the current trial, the campaign is planning to present the results to British officials, who have signaled an interest in reforming labor laws for British workers.


Tech Titans Recognize Trump Reality, and Rush to Curry Favor 川普重返白宮成真 科技巨頭爭獻媚
文/Theodore Schleifer and David

川普重返白宮成真 科技巨頭爭獻媚

Meta. Amazon. OpenAI’s Sam Altman. Each of these Silicon Valley companies or their leaders promised to support President-elect Donald Trump’s inaugural committee with seven-figure checks over the past week, often accompanied by a pilgrimage to Mar-a-Lago to bend the knee.


The procession of tech leaders who traveled to hobnob with Trump included Sundar Pichai, Google’s CEO, and Sergey Brin, a Google founder, who together dined with Trump on Thursday. Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, shared a meal with Trump on Friday. And Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, planned to meet with Trump in the next few days.


While businesses frequently try to get on an incoming president’s good side, the frenzy of tech activity stood out.


Meta and Amazon, whose founders had previously been criticized by Trump, said they would donate $1 million to Trump’s inaugural fund this past week. Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, the high-profile artificial intelligence startup, said Friday that a $1 million donation to Trump’s inaugural fund would come from him personally.


Other tech leaders have also praised Trump. Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce and owner of Time magazine, posted on X on Thursday that it was “a time of great promise for our nation,” after Time awarded Trump its coveted “Person of the Year” designation.


“We look forward to working together to advance American success and prosperity for everyone,” Benioff wrote, alongside a picture of the Time cover of Trump.


The turnabout has been especially stark as some tech executives who made donation pledges or met with Trump this past week had appeared to be avowed liberals, including Benioff and Altman.


Some signs of tension between Trump and the tech industry have surfaced. Trump has named tech hawks to senior administration roles, as well as tech executives such as David Sacks.


Part of Sacks’ job is to assemble a council to advise Trump on crypto and AI. But Trump’s circle of advisers and his tech friends have disagreed over whether there should be two separate advisory bodies or just one, people involved in the conversations said.


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