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2023/04/26 第436期  |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份






名詞的精準,指的是更具體,更實際的字,不要用很多代名詞,it/she/he或the man/person這類含糊不清的指示,例如:

(不準)The man as ... ...




The goal of an interview is for the interviewer to ask questions about the skills needed at the job and the interviewee is supposed to provide information that helps the interviewer know if the person has those abilities or not.

This requires people to have a different mindset about how they answer those questions so that they don't risk seeming inadequate for their desired position.


Most interviewees will prepare their answers to interview questions that they expect to be asked and try to memorize them.

This can help you be more confident and motivated as well as be more knowledgeable about your own experiences.

However, this can make a person sound less genuine making their answers sound rushed or even avoiding the question altogether.

Your goal is to respectfully answer the interviewer's question, but how do you prepare for questions that you aren't given beforehand?

To do this, you should think of what the interviewer is able to understand about your experience.

If the interviewer could understand us based on our experience alone, the interviewer is doing most of the work in the interview; they are putting all the effort in to try to understand you, but you aren't providing them the information they need so that you can be more easily understood.

In order to avoid this, you must think "What about my experience is the interviewer able to understand?"


Things that everyone believes to be true are referred to as facts, so what from your experience can you state as facts?

This is why you should avoid using "I" for explaining your reasons.

For instance, you could say "My favorite season is winter because I feel comfortable in cold weather.", but you can also say "My favorite season is winter because winter has cool weather."

The second sentence becomes a fact simply because you focus on the object rather than "I".

By doing this, it makes it easier for the interviewer to focus on your answer rather than your opinion.

I am not saying that your opinion or experience is not important but your answer has to be structured so that the interviewer has a point of reference.


The next step is to think of how you structure your answer.

After conducting many mock interviews, I found that the best way to structure your answer is to think of two reasons that consist mostly of facts and then providing your opinion or experience.

The facts that you give show that you have learned from your experience and you know what is important for other people to understand about your experience.

In the process of the interview, interviewers are trying to build trust because resumes are never completely true and can lack specifics needed for that job.



How can you prepare to give specifics about your resume?

You just need to focus on concise examples about what you did at your job.

Lots of people will write a vague job description like "Coordinated teams to help complete group projects."

Think: does this sound clear to you? Since everyone's job is different, you need to be more exact. Let's look at the phrase "Coordinated teams".

You can provide many examples such as "arranging meetings between marketing and finance", "reaching agreements on cross departmental timelines", or "writing emails to set agendas and answer follow up questions".

All of those actions show coordination but don't require that the interviewer guess your exact role.

If you want to prepare further, you can tell them specific group projects but avoid giving a story about that group project.


履歷上你寫了Coordinated teams to help complete group projects.


1. arranging meetings between marketing and finance

2. reaching agreements on cross departmental timelines

3. writing emails to set agendas and answer follow up questions


By following these tips, your explanation of your work experience will be easier to understand.

Still, the most important tip I have is that you practice.

Put time into structuring your answer by giving facts first; think of how you can clarify your answer by adding specific examples; and most importantly, take notes on what the interviewer wants to know about by thinking of their frame of reference.

You can do this by researching more about the position you are applying to by finding information on their website or from other employees about what the company's goal is and how you can help the company to reach their goal.

Any job is willing to help you advance in your career as long as you can show them that you can do what it takes to help that company improve.

If you are able to match your wants with the companies needs, you will definitely love working there and the company will love hiring you.

文/Riley Bilgo

本文收錄於英語島English Island 2019年8月號

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