I feel so boring…不用那麼謙虛吧!

這樣想過之後,你應該可以理解當英語母語者聽到"I feel so boring."是什麼樣的感覺吧。
bored和boring,只是眾多英語問題的其中一個,另一個類似例子像是he和she。每個英語學習者都知道he和she的差別,只是有時會陰錯陽差弄錯性別,沒有特別說也不一定會感覺有什麼不對。筆者有一次遇到這種情況,向對方問:「你講的那個人到底是男生還是女生?」,對方突然尖叫:「噢,she, she, she!我媽媽是女生!哈哈哈!」
1. 動詞原形具有A使B發生某種變化的意思。
例如: to bore-- This book bores me. 這本書讓我感到無聊。 to frighten-- He frightens me.他讓我感到害怕。
2. 這個變化僅限於心理狀態或感受上的變化。
例如: 讓人感到無聊 bored 讓人感到疲累 tired 讓人感到興奮 excited
我們先來看看這類原形動詞和例句,再去談這些動詞所變出來的兩種形容詞的形式和意思。請特別注意下面每個動詞的中文翻譯,例如excite,要翻成「使人感到興奮」才可以。無論中英文,這些原形動詞都是「使役動詞」(causative verb),帶著「使人有…的感受」的意思。
amaze 使人感到驚奇 You amaze me!
amuse 使人會心一笑 This comic strip always amuses me.
challenge 向人挑戰 This teacher really challenges her students.
convince 使人信服,說服 I convinced him to stay for another hour.
encourage 鼓勵 Try to encourage her more.
entertain 使人感到愉悅、娛樂 This video will both teach and entertain you.
excite 使人感到興奮、激動 The game helped excite the kids about learning.
fascinate 使人著迷於 Birds fascinate me.
inspire 令人鼓舞,給人啟發 The leader inspired the whole group.
interest 引起人的興趣 Can I interest you in a cup of coffee?
intrigue 使人很感興趣,引人入勝 This problem really intrigues me.
move 使人感動,感動人 Try to move your audience with your sincerity.
refresh 讓人振奮起來、感到清爽,提醒 This note should refresh your memory.
relax 使人放鬆 This cup of hot tea should relax you a bit.
shock 使人震撼 The news shocked the whole country.
surprise 給人驚喜,嚇到 You surprised me! I didn’t see you there.
thrill 使人興奮,刺激 Your idea is sure to thrill the committee members.
touch 使人感動 The ending touched all the viewers.
aggravate 刺激,使惡化 Try not to aggravate your co-workers.
annoy 使人感到討厭,討人厭 That dog’s barking really annoys me.
bore 使人感到無聊 Don’t bore us all with those same old stories.
confuse 害人困惑、迷惘、糊塗 You’ve confused me. Can you explain that again?
depress 使人感到沮喪、憂鬱 The endless rain depressed everybody.
disappoint 讓人失望 Make sure not to disappoint your readers.
discourage 使人喪氣 Don’t discourage him from trying.
disgust 使人感到噁心 That spoiled milk really disgusts me.
embarrass 使人感到尷尬 Don’t embarrass her with too much praise.
exhaust 使人累趴 Your long explanations have exhausted me.
frighten 使人害怕,嚇到人 Don’t frighten the cat or he won’t come out.
frustrate 使人感到挫折,阻撓人 All those failed attempts have frustrated me.
humiliate 使人丟臉 Don’t ever humiliate anybody, especially not in public.
irritate 使人感到討厭,討人厭 That tapping sound irritates me.
puzzle 使人納悶 He puzzles everybody – nobody quite understands him.
threaten 威脅 Don’t ever threaten anybody to get what you want.
tire (out) 使人疲累 Exercising too long will tire you out.
upset 讓人不開心,使人失落 You’ll upset everybody if you complain.
worry 使人擔憂 Get going now so you don’t worry your mom.
例如: I’m surprised. I’m relaxed. I’m intrigued.
I’m surprised. ➡️ I have been surprised by your action.
I’m relaxed. ➡️ I have been relaxed by that cup of hot tea.
I’m intrigued. ➡️ I have been intrigued by that question.
結果是,當你說"I’m surprised."時,"surprised"已經不是過去分詞了,根本連動詞都不是,而是個形容詞,跟happy, sad, busy一樣,形容你自己內心的感覺。
He’s annoying me.他正在騷擾我。
He’s an annoying person.
或更簡單的: He’s annoying.他是個常惹人厭的人。
Our teacher is inspiring lots of us to go into medicine.因為老師的啟發,很多人想要念醫。
Our teacher is inspiring.老師給我們大家很大的啟發。


Over to you!
(a) 請用以上三個句型把上面兩組原形動詞造這樣的短句,來加深對正確用法的印象
- They amaze me! I’m amazed! They’re amazing!
- They amuse me! I’m amused! They’re amusing!
- They puzzle me! I’m puzzled! They’re puzzling!
(b) 請把以下的「台式英語」句子[ii]訂正好,看你的功力和速度如何!
1. Without music, my life would be bored.
2. Chinese food always makes me feel boring.
3. It’s never bored.
4. When you are boring, you can surf the Internet.
5. I was so exciting at that moment.
6. It’s so excited for me!
7. I was amazing when I heard that.
8. When I am confusing about something, she will help me.
9. I’m interesting in everything about him.
10. Listening to his songs make me feel relaxing.
11. The teacher was disappointing in us.
12. I was very surprising at the news.
[i] 另請見:https://www.trussel.com/eding.htm
[ii] 台式英語例句選自:The LTTC English Learner Corpus: http://www.lttcelc.org.tw/;有的例句已稍加修改或簡化。
文/台大外文系教授 史嘉琳
