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2008/10/06 第1期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Kaohsiung MRT Orange Line to Launch Officially
【Text/Hsin-Yi Peng;Photos/Chung-Hui Pao】

In March 2008, Kaohsiung MRT launched the Red Line and officially began operation, bringing citizens of Kaohsiung City a first-hand experience of the convenience and comfort of traveling on the MRT. Kaohsiung made a big step towards its goal to reinvent itself as a modern international metropolis.

The coverage of the Kaohsiung MRT in the preliminary stage includes the south/north-bound Red Line, and will soon be joined by the west/east-bound Orange Line. The Orange Line starts from Hamasen station in the west and ends at Daliao station in the east, connecting major stations such as Kaohsiung and Fongshan. The Orange Line is scheduled to begin operation in September 2008. Residents in Kaohsiung City as well as greater Kaohsiung area, including Hamasen, Ciaotou, Fongshan, and Siaogang will all benefit from this convenient transportation network.

The MRT brings more than just the practicality of convenient transportation to people in Kaohsiung. The Orange Line, like the Red Line, has a few theme stations; among its fourteen stops, there are two featuring masterfully designed architecture and art pieces to greet commuters everyday and bring a cheerful start to their day at work or school. Out of all of the theme stations, Formosa Station has caught much of the public interest.

The design of the entrance to Formosa Boulevard Station is associated with the theme "praying".

Formosa Station (O5/R10) is the junction of the Red Line and Orange Line and is the center of the Kaohsiung MRT network. Thoughtful attention to details can be seen at every corner of this station. The main entrances were designed by Japanese architect, Shin Takamatsu, with the theme "praying" . It is a remembrance of the Formosa Incident, a symbol of peace and prosperity for the future of Kaohsiung, a reminder to inspire future generations to work together and realize their dreams.

The entrances are not the only eye-catching pieces at the Formosa Station. The station body hosts the largest glass art work in the world, "The Dome of Light", designed by Italian artist, Maestro Narcissus Quagliata, in cooperation with renowned European glass workshop, the Derix Glasstudios. The Dome of Light is 30 meters in diameter, and the entire display covers 660 square meters. It took four and a half years to create this masterpiece. The dome was assembled using 4,500 glass panels to present four themes; it tells the stories of the circle of life, with a reflection of Taiwanese people's efforts in achieving freedom and democracy. It pays homage to the Formosa Incident, a historical event that documented Taiwan's pursuit of freedom, with a message of rebirth and tolerance for its audience to look up to.

The other theme station is O9 Martial Arts Stadium Station. This station is in close proximity to several sports facilities and the design of the station took up the dynamic of sports and energy to carry the theme of "Ocean, Sports, Energy" . This district is designed to host future international sports events in Kaohsiung, and in consideration of the crowds during those events, the station adopted an oval-shaped atrium at its entrance with an open-space design. The entrance leads to the Ocean Sports Cultural Sculpture Plaza, also designed with the capacity to hold a large crowd. It serves not only as a theme entrance to the MRT, but also as a future outdoor performance space, corresponding to the energetic image of the Sports Park district.

The Orange Line will be ready for passengers very soon. When you take the Orange Line to visit the old streets in Yancheng, or to see the sunset in Sizihwan Bay, don't forget to make a stop at the two beautiful theme stations. Not only will you enjoy the local scenery on a relaxing ride, you will also be impressed by the artful display of the theme stations.

橘線通車 高雄啟動




The Dome of Light"

除了出入口外,內部還有全世界最大的玻璃藝術「光之穹頂」,這是由義大利藝術家水仙大師(Maestro Narcissus Quagliata)耗時四年半所創作,其直徑達三十公尺,面積六百六十平方公尺,由水仙大師與享譽歐洲的德國Derix工作坊合作完成,穹頂依創作主題分為四大區塊,共計用了4500片玻璃窗面,勾勒出生命輪迴與台灣人的自由民主歷程以及結合美麗島事件追求民主自由的過程,表達重生與包容的內涵。





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