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2009/05/18 第17期∣訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Ideal Green City for Biking
【Text by Kuan-Chun Chen;Photos by Chung-Hui Pao】

What was the most popular mode of 2008? Bicycle, of course. You see it everywhere in the city. Devoting itself in building a Green City as usual, Kaohsiung City has been worked tirelessly to promote this environment-friendly and healthy transportation. Therefore, at the beginning of 2009, Kaohsiung City decided to introduce the Public Bike Rental System. Citizens now can rent the bike at one location and return it to a different location. Visitors can also use the same system to enjoy a bike tour around the beautiful Kaohsiung City.

The Public Rental system allows people to rent the bike at one location and return it to a different location.

The Public Bike Rental System is a 24-hr automatic rental station. It also provides one-way bike rental service; users can return the bike at a different location. In the future, with the integration of membership card/credit card and the system, citizens can rent a bike simply using their membership card and enjoy transfer discounts. In addition, the exclusive aluminum-alloy bike designed by Merida will not be sold in the market, hoping to reduce the issue of bikes' being stolen and disposed. Twenty Public Bike Rental Stations are to be operational by March 1st and approximately 50 stations will be running by May, offering 4500 bikes for rental.

The Public Bike Rental System provides ental services for both members and non-members. Citizens who would like to become a member will need to register at the staffed stations or sign-up via internet, mail or fax. Citizens can choose to pay the membership of NT$1200 annually, NT$750 for six months, or NT$200 monthly. After receiving the membership card, citizens can rent a bike through the central control panel and enjoy a best-valued gift. For members, the first 30 minutes will be free of charge and the rental fee is 15 dollars per hour. For non-members, 40 dollars is charged for the first hour and 20 dollars every 30 minutes afterwards. Meanwhile, in order to prevent the bike from being stolen, a 2000-dollar deposit will be charged at the time of rental.

It was announced on January 20 , 2009 that City Hall Station and Cultural Center Station will be operational by March 1st. Mayor Chen took time out of her busy schedule to try the system out at the City Hall Station. Mayor Chen says that Kaohsiung's Public Bike Rental Program is the first Metropolitan public bike rental system in Taiwan, completely different from the leisure bike rental at theme parks or small-scale bike rental systems limited to certain land consolidation districts. Kaohsiung's bike rental stations are located along the MRT lines so that citizens can enjoy convenient transfers. In addition, the system will help save time because bikes can be rented at one place and returned to a different location. This is also a major step for Kaohsiung toward the "Green Transportation-friendly City".

Kaohsiung's warm weather and its 150-km bicycle path make bicycles the best transportation for Kaohsiung. With the new MRT system, Kaohsiung now presents a modern "energy-saving" transportation network. In the future, it will definitely attract more people to Kaohsiung and give them the opportunity to enjoy a comfortable bike tour here. For more information on Kaohsiung City Public Bike, go to www.c-bike.com.tw

綠色都市 自行車上路







『集氣 為2009高雄世運加油』活動 搶好康開始嘍~





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