In Other News |
Bait time |
誘餌時刻 |
When tracking down the smell of prey, a shark relies more on the distance between its nostrils than the strength of the odor, a new study has found. |
一項新研究發現,鯊魚在追蹤獵物的氣味時,多半是靠兩個鼻孔間隔的距離,而非氣味的強度。 |
The report revolutionized people’s understanding of sharks. Scientists had long thought that the strength of an odor determined how a shark would react to it. |
這項研究徹底改變了一般人對鯊魚的認識。長久以來,科學家認為氣味的強度決定了鯊魚的反應。 |
"People have always just kind of had this idea that it was concentration. That's always been the assumption on how it works," said lead researcher and marine biologist Jayne Gardiner, adding that the old idea would have been a poor tactic for the predators because uneven patches of concentration could send a hungry shark off in the wrong direction. |
首席研究員暨海洋生物學家傑恩加德納表示:「人們總是抱持氣味濃度作祟的這類觀念。這種看法一直是鯊魚如何偵測氣味的假設。」他指出,這種舊觀念對這種掠食者而言會是很糟糕的策略,因為不規律的間斷氣味可能讓飢餓的鯊魚游往錯誤的方向。 |
Gardiner and his co-workers showed that sharks take note of which nostril smells the odor first. The scientists demonstrated this by harnessing sharks in a tank and fitting tubes to the animals' nostrils. Then they puffed a burst of squid-scented seawater into one nostril — followed by a puff of squid scent into the other just a fraction of a second later. |
加德納與同僚證明了鯊魚會注意哪個鼻孔先聞到氣味。研究人員做示範,他們為水箱內的鯊魚套上接至鼻孔的管子,接著將帶有魷魚氣味的海水突然灌入其中一個鼻孔,然後在不到一秒內再把魷魚氣味灌入另一個鼻孔。 |
When the right nostril received the scent first, the shark would turn to the right. When the left nostril got it first, the animal would turn to the left. Even when the smell hitting the second nostril was 100 times stronger than the smell administered to the first nostril, the shark would still turn in the direction of the first nostril — showing that timing, not strength, was key, Gardiner said. |
右邊的鼻孔先聞到氣味時,鯊魚就會轉向右方;若是左邊的鼻孔先聞到味道,鯊魚則會轉向左方。加德納指出,即使第二個鼻孔聞到的氣味強度比第一個鼻孔強烈一百倍,鯊魚仍會轉向第一個聞到味道的鼻孔那方,這顯示出強度並非關鍵,時間點才是。 |
The two puffs of scent had to be close together in time: The sharks would follow timing difference of up to half a second. When the puffs of squid scent were separated by one second, Gardiner said, the animals seemed to assume that the two puffs had different sources. |
灌入的兩股氣味在時間上必須很接近;鯊魚會追蹤的氣味時間差最大為半秒。加德納表示,當魷魚氣味灌入的時間差超過一秒時,鯊魚就會認定這兩股氣味來自不同源頭。 |
"It's a very neat study," commented Stephen Kajiura, a shark sensory biologist. "It provides another reason why the hammerhead may be advantageous." |
鯊魚感官生物學家史蒂芬卡鳩拉表示,「這是一項非常棒的研究,因為它提供了錘頭鯊為何可能更佔優勢的另一個理由。」 |
Fashion |
What's trendy for dogs this summer |
今夏最夯的狗造型 |
Business warms up for Beijing's pet beauticians with the arrival of the summer sun as owners rush to sign up for treatments to make their furry friends look their best during the hot season. |
夏日艷陽高照,北京寵物美容師的業績也開始蒸蒸日上,因為飼主們急忙報名療程,好讓他們那些毛茸茸的朋友在炎炎夏日能夠更展現出最美的一面。 |
Discover |
Eat all you want? |
想吃什麼就吃什麼? |
Parents of teenage boys now have evidence to back up the claim that they could be eaten out of house and home with a recent study finding 14- to 17-year-old boys to have the hugest appetites. |
青少年的父母現在有證據支持他們宣稱家裡可能快被吃垮的說法,因為最近一份研究顯示,十四至十七歲少男的食量最大。 |
Local News |
Plus-size advocate |
「重量級」代言人 |
Donna Simpson, age 42 and the mother of two children, currently weighs more than 272 kg and aims to reach 455 kg. The Guinness World Records said that Simpson has submitted a claim for the title of world's heaviest woman to give birth, a claim that is being reviewed. |
現年四十二歲的唐娜辛普森已經是兩個孩子的媽了,她目前的體重逾兩百七十二公斤,而且她以增胖到四百五十五公斤為目標。金氏世界紀錄表示,辛普森已經提出要成為全世界體重最重產婦的申請,而且該申請案已經在審核中。 |