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2010/09/14 第102期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Action is part of the Milla Jovovich equation 動作片是蜜拉喬娃維琪的一部份  
Milla Jovovich believes that she's qualified to save the planet if it's ever attacked by zombies. The 34-year-old actress plays Alice in the sci-fi horror franchise about a group of "survivors" who try to stay alive in a world that has become overrun with zombies. 蜜拉喬娃維琪認為如果地球遭遇僵屍攻擊,她有資格拯救地球。這位卅四歲的女演員在這部科幻恐怖系列電影中飾演艾莉絲,本片是描述在充斥著僵屍的世界裡,一群「倖存者」努力求生存的故事。
Jovovich, who has been starring in the movies since 2002, joked that over the years she's gone through so much training for her role that she wouldn't feel fazed if she was genuinely confronted by the living dead. "I keep telling all the fans that if there is ever a zomb-pocalypse, as I call it, they can all come to my house and I'll look after them," she laughed. 自二○○二年開始演出此系列電影的蜜拉喬娃維琪開玩笑表示,這麼多年來她為了艾莉絲一角接受許多訓練,因此就算真的碰到僵屍,也不會覺得害怕了。她笑著表示:「我不斷告訴所有的影迷,如果真的有我說的『僵屍世界末日』的話,他們通通可以到我家來,我會照顧他們的。」
The model-turned-actress continues to hold the role of Alice in the upcoming movie "Resident Evil: Afterlife." It will be the fourth time Jovovich has portrayed the zombie-fighting heroine and the star has become very fond of the character. 在即將上映的《惡靈古堡IV:陰陽界》中,這位原本是模特兒的女演員繼續演出艾莉絲一角。這將是蜜拉喬娃維琪第四度詮釋這位打擊僵屍的女英雄,她也變得非常喜歡這個角色了。  
"I'm attached to Alice now. Now in a sense it feels like family. It has really become such a huge part of my world; the training process, and being able to just go through all these adventures — it's a lot of fun," Jovovich confessed. 蜜拉喬娃維琪坦承:「我現在和艾莉絲緊緊相連,這個角色有點像是家人了。艾莉絲現在已經變成我世界中的一大部份,那些訓練過程,以及能夠去經驗種種冒險—真的很有趣。」  
The "Resident Evil" movies are directed by Jovovich's husband Paul W. S. Anderson and have been adapted from a popular video game of the same name. Jovovich originally agreed to star in the films because her brother was really into the game. 《惡靈古堡》系列電影是由蜜拉喬娃維琪的丈夫保羅安德森執導,本片改編自同名的熱門電玩遊戲。她最初之所以同意接演本片是因為她的弟弟很迷這個遊戲。  
Jovovich said that she loves the fan following that she receives across the world for being an action star. "I love these action films. I have so much fun doing them. The fact that people love to see me in them inspires me even more to just be better and put all of my effort into the performance," she said, adding that "these action films answer a part of me that is very real. It's not like, I'm the serious actress and I did this action film to make money. That is not it."
Hawking's new book champions physics over religion 霍金新書主張物理學更甚宗教  
God did not create the universe and the "Big Bang" was an inevitable consequence of the laws of physics, the famous British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking argues in his new book. 知名英國理論物理學家史蒂芬霍金在新書中主張,宇宙並非上帝所創造,而「大霹靂」則是物理定律無可避免的結果。
Local News
Great expectations for Taipei's Songshan Airport 各界對台北松山機場寄予厚望  
Taipei's Songshan Airport has the potential of becoming a major business aviation center with a scale to match Hong Kong airport in five years, according to an executive of Universal Weather and Aviation Inc. 根據美國商務機中心及服務公司一名高級主管表示,台北松山機場有潛力在五年內成為一座規模足以和香港機場匹敵的重要商務航空中心。
In Other News
Convenient Surveillance 便利的監視器  
It's hard to go anywhere without being on camera. Whether you're using an ATM, driving through a busy intersection or stopping at the corner store for a gallon of milk, there's a good chance that a camera is following your every move. 不管走到哪裡,總是會有監視器在拍你。不管你在使用自動提款機,開車經過交通繁忙的十字路口,或是停在轉角的商店購買一罐牛奶,有監視器捕捉你一舉一動的機會都很高。
Urban ninjas 都會忍者  
With college campuses back in full swing this autumn, parkour's appeal to students is adding to the ranks of followers, but there are growing concerns about the dangers of the sport. 隨著秋天到來大學校園又開始活絡了起來,跑酷的魅力又吸引了許多學生加入,不過現在有愈來愈多人擔心這種運動的危險性。
It’s written in the stars 星象中有寫  
What's your sign?" is a commonly asked question between two strangers meeting for the first time. The reason for such a practice is very simple: Supposedly, judging from the day you were born, one can immediately identify all aspects of your life ranging from your temperament to your level of success. 「你是什麼星座的?」是兩個初次見面的陌生人經常問的問題。這麼問的理由其實很簡單:假設從你出生的那一天判斷,某人就能立即看出你人生的所有面向,包括性情到成功程度等方面。
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