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2010/10/21 第102期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份
本週課文介紹 Blogging All Things Delicious
Workplace Personalities
NEWSworthy Clips
英語達人 英語達人
Vocabulary Focus dour, assertive, reflective...
活動快遞 促銷商品

Blogging All Things Delicious
FOOD / 2010 October 25, 26

The art of photographing and sharing what you eat



Giant chocolate sugar cookies and cherry tuiles. Mini black and whites and fig pinwheels. Peanut butter and jelly bars. Sound like too many cookies...

Topic Talks for this article!

Workplace Personalities
CAREER / 2010 October 29, 30

Is there a difference between your home self and your work self ? You're not alone



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NEWSworthy Clips
NEWS / 2010 October 27, 28

Surprise tennis star Yen-Hsun Lu and a new way to watch TV on demand



Topic talks for this articale >


Q1: compound (v)
a) empty
b) drop
c) join
d) smash

Q2: skeptical (adj)
a) doubtful
b) sleepy
c) longer
d) pointed



dour, assertive, reflective...

dour (adj)

unfriendly, unhappy and very serious 嚴肅而不苟言笑的

Mr. Snipe looks like a dour gentleman, but he's actually quite friendly.

assertive (adj)

describes someone who behaves confidently and is not frightened to say what they want or believe 自信果決的

Natalie is an assertive real estate agent who sometimes offends her clients.

reflective (adj)

thinking carefully and quietly 深思的;沈思的

As an introvert, Daisy is usually reflective before speaking her opinion.

gape (v)

to look in great surprise at someone, especially with an open mouth目瞪口呆;瞠目結舌

Jimmy was so surprised at his date's makeover that he gaped at her when she opened the front door.

vital (adj)

necessary for the success or continued existence of something; extremely important極其重要的;必不可

The success of this business agreement rests on one vital factor: funding.

summation (n)

a short clear description that gives the main facts or ideas about something 總和

The lawyer allowed his client to provide the summation to the jury.



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Q1: a Q2: b


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