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2010/08/05 第1期|訂閱/退訂看歷史報份DiscoveTaipei
歡迎訂閱【Discover Taipei英文雙月刊電子報】
文/Discover Taipei
Smile Gongguan-2010 Taipei Aqua Friendly Festival

In the sizzling heat of the summer, all minds—young and old—turn to water play. For folks in Taipei, this need not entail a rush to the sea or to riverside, for much closer to the city’s center is the Taipei Water Park (自來水園區). Situated in Gongguan (公館), this cool urban oasis is packed with water slides, umbrella cascades, and other refreshing facilities, a place drenched with frolic and fun. Better yet, each year in July, the Taipei Water Dept. (臺北自來水事業處) stages the Taipei Aqua Friendly Festival at the park, a fact it seems most every kid in the city is aware of and helpfully reminds parents of repeatedly as the summer heat builds.

A Water Festival with Something for Everyone

This year will be the seventh for the festival, and with each round people in the tens of thousands come to the park for the family-centered laughs. Last year a whopping 340,000 came, proof indeed that this is one of Taipei’s“hottest”events of the year. This year the theme is“Smile Gongguan – Pure Beauty”(smile公館 正美麗), and in addition to the always popular“Water” and“Amusement”activities there will also be a new focus on using water-theme arts to promote Gongguan riverside leisure. The spotlight will be on performing arts and trendy lifestyle, fusing the green concepts of water conservation, healthy water play, and energy conservation, giving one and all a good look at a new vision for balanced living in the riverside Gongguan neighborhood.

The festival will run nine weeks, ending August 29, and there will be something extra-special going on each and every day, daytime and night-time. In July and August respectively there will be a big outdoor stage performance and a Chinese Valentine’s Day concert, and in the afternoon of every Saturday and Sunday there will be amazing magic shows, rollicking clown shows, thundering song and dance shows, and other good-time amusements. Most beloved by all the little visitors, however, will surely be the electric go-karts, outdoor water-mist projection, and an outdoor theater under the stars. As you can see, whether you’re little in size or little at heart, there’s something for everyone during these fun days of summer.

The Taipei Water Park Experience – History, Culture, Recreation

While you’re in the Taipei Water Park, be sure to visit some of the other nifty facilities such as the Aqua Friendly Experiencing Area (親水體驗區) and the Drinking Water Museum (自來水博物館); at the latter you can learn about the origins of this heritage architecture, about the history of Taipei’s water sources, and about the local culture. Then you can hop on a bike and head off on a meandering bike excursion along the riverside bike-path network, heading west and then northwest as far as the Guandu (關渡) wetlands and the oceanside port of Danshui (淡水). Or head east to the Bitan (碧潭) riverbank recreation area in Xindian (新店), where gentle breezes caress, waterfowl dance about entertaining you, and the emerald-green views of placid waters, bluffs, and mountain backdrop still the soul. Or head off for the eco-trails of Mt. Xiaoguanyin (小觀音山) to commune with the precious treasures Mother Nature has brought into our world.

The Gongguan smile is truly a vision of beauty that’s pure. Will you be adding your smile to the joy at the Taipei Aqua Friendly Festival this summer ?


2010 Taipei Aqua Friendly Festival
Time: 7/3-8/29 09:00-20:00 (closed Mon)
Venue: Taipei Water Park, 1 Siyuan St.
(自來水園區, 思源街1號)
Tel: (02) 8369-5104
Website: www.twd.gov.tw

Reading Taipei
Taipei City Government is pushing Taipei forward into the 21st century. Since September 1997, the Department of Information and Tourism has published an English bimonthly magazine—"Discover Taipei." The magazine's goal is to furnish foreign residents and visitors worldwide with complete information about Taipei City. "Discover Taipei"s contents highlight Taipei's history, culture, customs, artistic events, daily goings-on, as well as her relationships with other cities. more...
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