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2020/05/18第347期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網




英文充電站: 每日一句
活動快遞: 經理人聯訂 限時優惠
The Teen That Beat the Blind Spot

Modern cars have safety features that can help drivers brake faster, drive straighter, and maintain a safe distance from the car in front. However, one big problem still remains, and it causes hundreds of thousands of accidents each year─blind spots. The solid pillars that give a car its structure block the driver’s view of important parts of the road. And getting rid of them isn’t an option, as they provide important protection should your car roll over. But now there is a solution, and its inventor─Alaina Gassler from Pennsylvania, USA─isn’t even old enough to have a driver’s license; she’s just 14 years old!
Her solution is simple but ingenious: a camera on the outside of the car is linked to a projector inside the car, and the live footage is projected onto the car’s pillars. When it’s all set up, the pillars magically appear see-through.
Alaina originally presented her solution at a national science competition for middle school students, and the judges were so impressed that they awarded her the grand prize of US$25,000. While Alaina’s invention isn’t ready to be installed in vehicles around the world just yet, maybe down the road the feature could become an industry standard.



《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.229 5月號Live互動英語雜誌 》



fake news n. phr. 假新聞
false information n. phr. 錯誤資訊(也可以用misinformation)
search engine n. 搜尋引擎
third-party adj. 第三方的
fact-check v. 事實核查
spread v. 傳播
globally adv. 全球地

The COVID-19 outbreak caused an infodemic, the spread of excessive information─both accurate and false─that made it difficult to find out facts about the new virus.

2020/5/25 (一)

According to one argument, eating breakfast improves our cognitive performance and helps us do better at work and on tests.

2020/5/26 (二)

That is the key to good health.

2020/5/27 (三)

Doing housework helps children learn responsibility and gain important life skills.

2020/5/28 (四)

Also known as the Mexican walking fish, this strange but remarkable creature is a rare type of salamander with some unbelievable abilities.

2020/5/29 (五)

One of the most amazing features of the axolotl is its ability to regrow almost any missing body part, from legs and arms to parts of its heart and brain.


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