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2010/08/30 第3期
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簡介:3 堂課、8 步驟強化你對簡報的理解力

Present Perfect!

Get Yourself Noticed with an Effective Presentation

It shouldn't come as a surprise. During Japan's recession-plagued 1990s, Uniqlo succeeded where others fell by the wayside, making its name by combining quality with affordable prices. It's all down to founder Tadashi Yanai's groundbreaking approach. Yanai's fortunes have mirrored those of his brand. With an estimated wealth of US$6 billion, he has been ranked Japan's richest person for 2009 and 2010. How did he achieve such remarkable success?

Like a good report, a decent presentation should incorporate well-researched content and a coherent structure. However, there is one important difference between the two: the human element. A presentation conveys an individual's personality and leaves a more lasting impression than a report. It can get you noticed and send the message that you are confident and can handle responsibility.

Setting the stage is vital. State the key idea at the start, letting the target audience know what your product, service or idea can do for them. If you intend to discuss several points, outline these, then make it clear when you have finished one and are transitioning to the next. This technique is favored by Apple CEO Steve Jobs. Use graphics and slides sparingly, and don't overload them with information. Jobs usually uses just one idea per slide and avoids distracting clusters of bullet points.

Regulating your voice, body language, and facial expressions is important. Don't worry about nervousness: The best speakers channel nerves into energy. Remember, if you are enthusiastic about your topic, your audience will be too. In sum, a good presentation is more than just text and images. It's a potential step up the career ladder, so make sure you take full advantage.

商用英簡報力訓練營 Part One

成功簡報 成就你的職場競爭力




( ※ 更多內容請至 biz 部落 http://golive.liveabc.com/biz )
Understanding the Elements

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2010/08/30 (一) Best of luck!

2010/08/31 (二) Paula maxed out her credit card again this month.

2010/09/01 (三) I'll have to take a rain check on that lunch with John.

2010/09/02 (四) Can you bring the price down a little more?

2010/09/03 (五) We'd like exclusive distribution rights.
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兩岸三地投資趨勢 深度剖析

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