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2010/09/13 第5期
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簡介:SOHO 族越來越多 十 上班族腦力「老化 20 歲」十 供不應求新興領域……

Points of Interest 上班族大小事

SOHO 族越來越多

According to statistics quoted by the Economist, there were 12 million SOHOs (small offices, home offices) in the U.S at the end of last year. It is expected that by 2015, this number will have increased to 14 million, with a corresponding rise in related business opportunities predicted. For example, more than 200 companies have already been founded in the U.S. and in Canada to provide shared working spaces to SOHOs so that they can separate their work from family life.

據《經濟學人》雜誌引用的數據顯示,去年底全美有 1,200 萬名 SOHO 族(小公司,家庭工作室)。預計到二○一五年時,會增加到 1,400 萬人,預估相關商機也會相應增加。例如,美加地區出現了兩百多個提供 SOHO 族共同工作空間的公司,這樣一來 SOHO 族便能將工作與家庭生活區分。

上班族腦力「老化 20 歲」

A survey directed at the brainpower of nine-to-fivers shows that 50 percent of them think they have attention deficit problems. More surprisingly, the survey also shows that the average brain age for a 32-year-old nine-to-fiver is actually 52, indicating serious impairment of cognitive abilities, according to physicians. Nutrition experts suggest that high-protein foods like chicken broth concentrate and boiled eggs help to enhance memory and improve mental performance.

一項針對上班族腦力的調查顯示,50% 的上班族覺得有注意力不集中的問題。更教人吃驚的是,這項調查也顯示 32 歲上班族的平均腦年齡居然是 52 歲。據醫師表示,這種情況會嚴重影響思緒。營養專家建議多吃高蛋白食物如雞精和水煮蛋有助於提升記憶力,改善腦力表現。

全職揪團主購 月薪比上班多

Discerning consumers are increasingly choosing to join forces and shop online to take advantage of the big savings brought by Internet purchases. Full-time shoppers, who derive their incomes from fees to coordinate online bulk purchasing initiatives, can make more than NT$30,000 a month, according to local media reports.


蓋上「錄取」 創意酷履歷奪冠

A student from National Taiwan College of Physical Education has won a competition to find the most impressive resume among college students. The competition was launched by Taichung Changhua Nantou Region Employment Services Center, and the resume was submitted for a potential opening as a TV anchor. The winner cheekily stamped the word “hired” on the last page of the resume, a move that caught the attention of the judges.



The fields of digital content, green energy, and social work are the three main sectors where supply falls short of demand, according to Common Wealth magazine. Because the first two sectors require cross-sector expertise, students should not confine their studies to one specific area, experts explain.



A report released by Yomiuri Shinbun in early July says the monthly allowance of an average Japanese office employee has decreased by ¥5,000 from last year. Japanese citizens, it seems, are becoming thriftier than ever in the wake of the economic downturn.


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2010/09/13 (一) With all due respect, I disagree with your opinion.

2010/09/14 (二) Many employees jump ship after they receive their annual bonus.

2010/09/15 (三) How much does the product go for?

2010/09/16 (四) I have a different take on the situation.

2010/09/17 (五) I'm calling on behalf of Linda to set up the schedule.
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