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2013/11/11第163期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

簡介:◎ avail oneself of 是什麼意思? ◎「人頭公司」英語怎麼說? ◎ 認識摩納哥王室

Monte Carlo or Bust

Few cities can rival Monte Carlo when it comes to glitz and glamour. With its casinos, grand hotels and luxury yachts, Monte Carlo is the epitome of opulence and, some might say, excess. Monaco's main district has long been considered a playground for the rich and famous. Monte Carlo is home to more millionaires and billionaires per capita than anywhere else. It also has the world's priciest real estate, with four-room apartments overlooking Port Hercules going for over 60 million euros.

Monte Carlo was named after Prince Charles (Carlo) III of Monaco, a scion of the Grimaldi family whose preeminence in the area dates from the late 12th century. The Grimaldis were wealthy Genoese who spoke a dialect similar to Monegasque, which is still used by about 15 percent of Monaco's citizens.

Historically, the city-state is as much Italian as French — unsurprising given its location as a buffer between the two countries. It shares rail links with both but has no airport. Through land reclamation, Monaco has grown about 20 percent, but with over 36,000 people living on a two square kilometer stretch of land, it remains the most densely populated country on the planet. More than half of these are in Monte Carlo, and a large proportion are foreign nationals availing themselves of the tax haven status and similarly lax restrictions on businesses.



蒙地卡羅一名取自摩納哥親王查爾斯(卡羅)三世,他是格利馬迪家族的後裔,這個家族在此地區的崇高地位可追溯自十二世紀末。格利馬迪家族是熱那亞富豪,所說的方言近似於仍有約 15% 摩納哥公民使用的摩納哥語。

歷史上,這個城邦不僅充斥著法國人,也滿是義大利人——這點並不令人意外,因為摩納哥的位置正是法、義兩國間的緩衝地帶。摩納哥與法、義兩國有鐵路連接,但它並沒有機場。透過填海造陸,摩納哥的面積已增加 20% 左右。不過在兩平方公里的土地上居住超過 36,000 人的情況下,這裡仍是地球上人口最密集的國家。這些人口超過半數聚居在蒙地卡羅,而且有一大部分是外國人,他們在此享受避稅港待遇以及對商業活動的相似寬鬆限制。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.119 11月號biz互動英語雜誌 》

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2013/11/11 (一) Make sure you double-check the figures before sending the e-mail.
2013/11/12 (二) The best thing to do is start looking for a larger office now.
2013/11/13 (三) Here's a good tip: Update last year's budget instead of creating a new one.
2013/11/14 (四) You might want to think about pulling the television ads for the present.
2013/11/15 (五) I suggest you send a memo to everyone in the office.

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