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2014/01/20第173期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

簡介:◎ 年菜圖解辭典 ◎ 新年習俗英語會話 ◎ 談論農曆新年好用句

Symbols and Celebrations: Lunar New Year in Taiwan

Ask a Taiwanese friend or colleague what they do during Lunar New Year, and there is a good chance they will respond with a shrug and say "nothing much." Generally, the holiday is a time when the younger generations flock back to the nest for family get-togethers. Physical exertion is usually not high on the list of activities. Instead, reclining on the sofa in front of the TV, eating until bursting point and enjoying a few hands of mahjong are preferred.

To prepare for the festivities, families will purchase spring couplets, a pair of metrical lines of verse usually printed on red paper and placed on the doors of homes. The characters on these slips of paper express happiness and hope for the upcoming year. The most important items on the shopping list are the food items –– usually enough to feed a small army. Boiled dumplings are popular as they resemble gold ingots and, thus, represent prosperity. Similarly, niangao –– a glutinous New Year cake –– is associated with progress. Food also influences the important rituals that take place during New Year. Dishes are presented to ancestors or deities who must "accept" the offering before the family is allowed to indulge.

One thing visitors to Taipei might notice during New Year is that the normally bustling city becomes a ghost town as people return to their hometowns around Taiwan. That's not to say that things go completely quiet. Fire crackers to ward off evil spirits ring through the air like gunshots, making sure everyone knows New Year is at hand.





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