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2014/06/09第189期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網

訊息通知: biz互動英語報即日起改為「雙週發報」~~
簡介:◎ 圖解字典 & 介紹好用句 ◎「省吃儉用」英語怎麼說? ◎ 早餐英語會話通

Breaking the Fast: Choices Aplenty in Taiwan

With the enormous range of breakfast choices now available, it's hard to believe that plain rice congee was the standard fare for most households in Taiwan a generation ago. If you didn't eat at home, the local soya milk breakfast store was probably the only other option. Serving deep-fried oil sticks, rice balls and steamed buns, these early-morning eateries continue to draw hungry late-night revelers and early birds today.

Things began to change in the 1980s, with McDonald's opening its doors in 1984 and other Western-style fast-food eateries quickly following suit. Local breakfast chains also began sprouting up, with the Mei & Mei franchise being the trendsetter. Traditional Chinese crepes were no longer limited to the plain variety. Fillings ranging from bacon, tuna and –– in a sure sign of Westernized palates –– processed cheese became increasingly popular. These days, hole-in-the-wall breakfast stores can be found in the nooks and crannies of towns and cities island-wide. Look out for the red and yellow shop fronts that often indicate their presence. The food at most of these places is a synthesis of Western and Chinese, with chicken nuggets sitting alongside radish cakes.

In addition to the cheap and cheerful stores, an increasing number of high-end diners and cafes can now be found in Taiwan's cities, with many foreign-owned establishments serving up genuine Western-style breakfasts. However, if you're scrimping and saving, you can't do much better than a couple of shuijianbao –– pan fried buns that are available for as little as NT$10 apiece.





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2014/06/09 (一) I'm sorry, but I think your point is irrelevant to this issue.
2014/06/10 (二) While I understand your view, I'm afraid I don't agree with it.
2014/06/11 (三) Could you e-mail me those files while I finish this report?
我完成報告的同時,麻煩你把那些檔案 e-mail 給我好嗎?
2014/06/12 (四) Every member of this team needs to pull their weight.
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