簡介:◎ 職位關係用字
◎ 什麼是 burn bridges?
How to Quit in Style
How you quit your job can be nearly as important as your performance record. Make sure that you remain well-liked after you leave so as to gain a helpful reference and maintain a healthy business connection.
Inform Your Superiors
Although it seems like common sense, it is vital for you to notify your employer that you are quitting. Avoid quitting via text message. Even though a telephone conversation is acceptable for communicating your desire to quit, face-to-face discussion is best. Plan a time to meet with your employer and tell them that you are quitting.
Be Polite
Depending on your relationship with your current employer, this may or may not be easy. Even if you do not like your boss, avoid burning any bridges. Being rude will lose you a reference which could otherwise be used when looking for future employment.
Be Clear
Quitting can be awkward, even if you like your boss. However, you owe it to your employer and to yourself to get your intentions across. Being respectful is very important, but you must also be direct in order to confirm that your employer knows you are resigning and when it will be effective.
優雅退場──辭職不 NG 教戰守則