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2017/09/11第273期 |  訂閱/退訂  |  看歷史報份  |  LiveABC 官網


簡介: ◎ 朝覲小詞典 ◎ 朝覲儀式 ◎ 什麼是 Gregorian calendar?

Hajj: The Physical and Spiritual Journey to Mecca

Hajj is a religious duty which all capable Muslims must undertake at least once in their lifetime. It involves both a physical journey to Mecca, the most holy city in Islam, and a spiritual journey toward faith, humility and submission.

The date of Hajj is determined by the lunar Islamic calendar, which is approximately 11 days shorter than the Gregorian calendar. Therefore, Hajj's date varies from year to year on the Gregorian calendar.

Men wear ihram garments — two white seamless cloths wrapped around the waist and draped around the shoulder. Women's ihram garments may be different colors but must cover everything except their hands and faces.

Adherents enter ihram, a sacred state, and don their ihram garments. They then journey to Mecca and complete the following rites: Tawaf: Pilgrims walk counterclockwise around the Kaaba seven times while touching, kissing or pointing at it. Sa'ay: Pilgrims travel between Safa and Marwah seven times. Arafat: At Arafat, pilgrims repent their sins, listen to sermons and seek the mercy of God. Stoning the Devil: Pilgrims throw stones at a set of pillars (or walls) representing the devil. Sacrificing an Animal: Pilgrims sacrifice animals or purchase vouchers which see animals slaughtered and their meat donated to the poor. Removing One's Hair: Pilgrims either shave or trim their hair.

Pilgrims conclude their journey by returning to Mecca and performing a farewell Tawaf.


信徒開始潔淨身心的受戒儀式,也就是一種神聖的狀態,並穿上他們的朝覲服。然後他們前往麥加,完成下列宗教儀式: 塔瓦夫:朝聖者以逆時針方向繞行天房七次,一邊觸摸、親吻或指向它。 剎伊:朝聖者在薩法和麥爾臥兩座小山丘間來回七趟。 阿拉法特:在阿拉法特山上,朝聖者懺悔他們的罪,聆聽佈道,並尋求神的寬恕。 投石砸魔:朝聖者向代表魔鬼的柱子或石牆丟擲石頭。 牲畜獻祭:朝聖者以動物獻祭,或是購買代宰牲畜的票券,而宰殺下來的肉則捐贈給窮人。 削髮:朝聖者刮鬍或理髮。

《 詳細內文請翻閱NO.165 9月號biz互動英語雜誌 》
2017/9/11(一) I'm clueless when it comes to investing in the stock market.
2017/9/12(二) The markets in Southeast Asia have been rather bullish these days, so I would suggest that region as a good place to start.
2017/9/13(三) These days, you almost can't go wrong if you put your money in biotech stocks. Of course, there is always a bit of risk involved.
2017/9/14(四) I guess the bullishness in the U.S. markets had to end sometime.
2017/9/15(五) The Nikkei has plummeted a whopping 7 percent.
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