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Tenacious Tesla: From Electric Cars to Energy Economy
In a viral blog post published in 2006, Tesla cofounder Elon Musk laid bare the company's mission to accelerate the shift from a hydrocarbon economy to a solar electric one through the commercialization of electric vehicles and the development of a solar grid. He then revealed Tesla's three-pronged business plan: craft a premium sports car aimed at early adopters, reinvest any profits into developing inexpensive family sedans, and repeat the cycle until high-tech electric cars saturate the market.
在一篇發表於 2006 年的爆紅部落格貼文裡,特斯拉共同創辦人伊隆.馬斯克明白闡述了該公司的使命:藉由電動車的商業化和發展太陽能電力網,以加快碳氫經濟轉型為太陽能電力經濟的速度。他接著揭露特斯拉三管齊下的商業計畫:打造以嘗鮮者為對象的頂級跑車,將利潤再投入發展平價家用轎車,並重複此一循環,直到高科技電動車充滿市場為止。 |