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2012/06/26 第64期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

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A Time for American Patriotism 美國人的愛國主義時刻
by Brian Foden
Have you ever heard of Flag Day?

  Americans are known for their strong patriotism. This pride in and love for their country is evident not only in their Fourth of July celebrations but also through their observance of Flag Day. _(1)_ While this special day is not actually a federal holiday, in Pennsylvania it is a state holiday.
  In view of the turbulent history of the United States, it's not surprising that a day has been set aside to honor the Stars and Stripes, a common nickname, along with Old Glory, for the American flag. Settlers in America thought certain taxes paid to England were unfair, so they started the Revolutionary War. _(2)_ However, it wasn't until 1949 that June 14 was designated as Flag Day by then President Harry Truman. Though Truman signed the legislation making it official, he was not credited with being the father of Flag Day. _(3)_
  In the 1880s, Cigrand, who was a young schoolteacher at the time, launched a one-man campaign to have an official Flag Day. _(4)_ President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation that called for a nationwide observance of Flag Day. However, Cigrand didn't live to see the celebration of Flag Day. _(5)_ Today, Cigrand's legacy is evident in the fact that Americans show love for and pride in their national symbol every June 14.

(A) That distinction belongs to Bernard J. Cigrand.
(B) For nearly a century, US citizens have celebrated June 14 as a time to fly their national flag and reflect on what it means to be Americans.
(C) He died of a heart attack 17 years before Truman made it a permanent fixture in American society.
(D) Decades later, in 1916, Cigrand's efforts began to come to fruition.
(E) After battling to gain independence from Britain, the young nation adopted the first American flag on June 14, 1777.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (B)理由:
    a. 空格前一句表示,這份對國家的驕傲和熱愛不只表現在 7 月 4 日的慶祝活動中,也透過慶祝國旗日展現出來,推測空格的說明應與 7 月 4 日的慶祝活動或國旗日有關。
    b. (B) 選項的句子說,近 1 個世紀來,美國公民慶祝 6 月 14 日,在這一天懸掛國旗及反思身為美國人的意義,前後語意連貫,亦符合推測,故為正選。
    reflect on/upon...  思索/反省……
    Mark spent a whole week reflecting on his successes and failures.

  2. 第二題空格應選 (E)理由:
    a. 空格前一句表示,早期的美國移民認為某些付給英國的稅款並不公平,於是他們發動了獨立戰爭。
    b. (E) 選項的句子進一步補充,在經過交戰脫離英國取得獨立後,這個年輕的國家在 1777 年 6 月 14 日採用了他們的第 1 面美國國旗,前後語意連貫,故為正選。
    a. battle vi. 作戰
    b. independence n. 獨立
    gain independence from...  由……取得獨立
    India gained independence from Britain in 1947.
    印度在 1947 年脫離英國而獨立。
    c. adopt vt. 採用,採取
    Eric was more than pleased when the boss adopted his idea.

  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)理由:
    a. 空格前一句說,雖然杜魯門總統簽署了使國旗日正式通過的法案,但他並不被歸功為國旗日的創始人,推測空格應說明誰是國旗日真正的創始人。
    b. (A) 選項的句子進一步說,這份榮譽是屬於伯納•席格倫的,符合推測,故為正選。
    a. distinction n. 榮譽;卓越
    Sally Ride has the distinction of being the first American woman in space.
    莎莉•萊德成就卓越,因為她是第 1 位上太空的美國女性。
    b. belong to...  屬於……
    The red sports car belongs to my uncle.

  4. 第四題空格應選 (D)理由:
    a. 空格前一句表示,在 1880 年代,當時身為年輕學校老師的席格倫,開始了他個人爭取正式通過國旗日的活動。
    b. (D) 選項的句子進一步補充,數十年後,在 1916 年,席格倫的努力開始開花結果,前後語意連貫,故為正選。
    come to fruition  有所成果;得以實現
    fruition n. 成果;實現
    After years of hard work, Jack's plan finally came to fruition.

  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)理由:
    a. 空格前一句表示,然而,席格倫並沒有來得及在他生前看到國旗日的慶祝活動。
    b. (C) 選項的句子進一步補充,他在杜魯門總統通過國旗日為美國社會的固定活動前 17 年就因心臟病而去世,前後語意連貫,故為正選。
    a. die of...  死於……(疾病、飢餓、年老等)
    die from...  死於……(外傷或其他外在原因)
    Leo's uncle died of lung cancer last week.
    We all believed that the man died from the poison his wife put in his food.
    b. a heart attack  心臟病
    c. permanent a. 固定的;永久的
    temporary a. 暫時的
    Bill should give up smoking before it does permanent damage to his lungs.
    d. fixture n.(確定日期的)社會活動
  1. be evident in...  展現/印證在……
    The singer's popularity is evident in her record sales.
  2. in view of...  有鑑於……
    In view of Terry's good grades, his parents treated him to a feast.
  3. set aside.../set...aside  
    = put aside.../put...aside
    Sam sets aside some time to read to his son every night.
  4. It isn't/wasn't until + 時間 + that 子句
    It wasn't until midnight that Jeremy remembered he had to call his friend back.
  5. designate vt. 指定;指派
    be designated as...  被指定為……
    April 4 was designated as a national holiday by the government this year.
    4 月 4 日在今年被政府指定為國定假日。
  6. be credited with...  被認為有……的功勞
    The coach was credited with turning the team around.
  7. launch vt. 發起;發行,推出
    launch a campaign  發起活動
    launch a demonstration  發起示威
    The taxi drivers launched a strike last Friday.
    計程車司機上週五發起了 1 場罷工。
    The new video game will be launched at the beginning of summer.
  8. issue vt. 發佈;頒佈
    The mayor issued a statement about the city's efforts to crack down on crime.
    市長發佈了 1 份有關該市致力掃蕩犯罪的聲明。
  9. call for...  要求/呼籲……
    The protesters are calling for the release of the wrongly convicted prisoner.
  1. patriotism n. 愛國心
  2. observance n. 慶祝,紀念
  3. federal a. 聯邦的
  4. turbulent a. 動盪的
  5. Stars and Stripes  星條旗(指美國國旗)
  6. Old Glory  昔日輝煌(指美國國旗)
  7. settler n. 移民者
  8. Revolutionary War   美國獨立戰爭
    revolutionary a. 革命性的
  9. legislation n. 法規,法律;立法
  10. proclamation n. 宣告;聲明
  11. nationwide a. 全國性的
  12. legacy n. 留給後人的東西;遺產

  美國人以強烈的愛國心而聞名。這份對國家的驕傲和熱愛不只表現在 7 月 4 日的慶祝活動中,也透過慶祝國旗日展現出來。近 1 個世紀來,美國公民慶祝 6 月 14 日,在這一天懸掛國旗及反思身為美國人的意義。雖然這個特殊的日子實際上並不是國定假日,但在賓州它是州定的假日。
  有鑑於美國動盪的歷史,撥出 1 天來尊崇美國國旗(常被暱稱為星條旗或昔日輝煌)並不令人驚訝。早期的美國移民認為某些付給英國的稅款並不公平,於是他們發動了獨立戰爭。在經過交戰脫離英國取得獨立後,這個年輕的國家在 1777 年 6 月 14 日採用了他們的第 1 面美國國旗。然而,直到 1949 年才由當時的總統哈利•杜魯門指定 6 月 14 日為國旗日。雖然杜魯門總統簽署了使國旗日正式通過的法案,但他並不被歸功為國旗日的創始人。這份榮譽屬於伯納•席格倫。
  在 1880 年代,當時身為年輕學校老師的席格倫,發起了他個人爭取正式通過國旗日的活動。數十年後,在 1916 年,席格倫的努力開始開花結果。伍德羅•威爾遜總統發佈了 1 份呼籲全國慶祝國旗日的公告。然而,席格倫並沒有來得及在他生前看到國旗日的慶祝活動。他在杜魯門總統通過國旗日為美國社會的固定活動前 17 年就因心臟病而去世。時至今日,席格倫所留給後人的遺產在每年 6 月 14 日得到印證,人們在這一天展現出他們對國家象徵的熱愛和驕傲。
答案: 1. (B) 2. (E) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (C)

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