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2012/08/14 第71期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Santa's Claws 聖誕老公公的爪子
by Marcus Maurice
A modern fairy tale with a Taiwanese twist

  June and her mother were walking around Ximending in the middle of August when they saw an arcade filled with claw machines. Each one contained different sized stuffed animals like Hello Kitty, Mickey Mouse, and even all the characters from Angry Birds. June begged her mother for some change so she could try to get one of the green pigs from Angry Birds in the claw machine. June's mother agreed, and June was soon moving the claw over the choices in the machine. When she hit the button, the claw went down, but it only grabbed air. Each time she tried, she got more depressed because she didn't succeed at getting the pig she wanted.
  An older, heavy-set foreign gentleman with a big belly and white beard was watching and walked over to June and her mother. "Let me give it a shot," the man said before he placed a token in the machine and expertly guided the claw to the biggest green pig in the machine. He pressed the button, and the claw swooped down, picked up the green pig, and dropped it into the chute. He grabbed the green pig, handed it to June, and said, "Here you go, little girl. Have fun with your new toy."
  June happily accepted the pig, turned to her mother, and said, "What a nice man." Her mother took the pig and turned around to thank the man, only to see that he had vanished. June asked, "Where did he go?" Her mother answered, "I think I know what Santa Claus does during his time off."

1. What happened first in the story?
(A) June's mother told her Santa Claus didn't exist.
(B) June and her mother were taking a leisurely stroll around Ximending.
(C) June wanted to try the claw game.
(D) An older gentleman was nice to June.
2. What happened when June tried her luck at the claw game?
(A) She managed to get the item she wanted on her first try.
(B) She decided she didn't like green pigs.
(C) She was upset about not achieving her goal.
(D) She begged for someone to help her.
3. According to the article, which of the following statements is true?
(A) June's mother was grateful to the old man for his timely help.
(B) June's mother didn't like her talking to strangers.
(C) June needed to practice being nicer to people.
(D) June was an expert at the claw game.

  1. arcade n. 遊樂場;騎樓
  2. a claw machine  夾娃娃機
  3. a stuffed animal  填充玩具
  4. character n.(小說、戲劇的)人物,角色
  5. change n. 零錢(集合名詞,不可數)
  6. heavy-set a. 體型魁梧的
  7. belly n. 肚子
  8. token n. 代幣
  9. expertly adv. 熟練地,巧妙地
  10. chute n. 輸送槽
  11. timely a. 及時的

Here you go.  拿去。(= Here you are.)

Here we go.  開始囉。
Here we are.  我們到囉。
Here we go again.  (壞事)又來了。
There you go again.  你老毛病又犯了。
Man, here we go again. I bet Claude's calling to borrow more money from me.
There you go again. You just jumped to conclusions.

Her mother took the pig and turned around to thank the man, only to see that he had vanished.

主要子句, only to V  ……,結果卻……
"only to V" 為表示意外或與預料相反的結果之不定詞片語,使用時其前通常要置逗點。
Frank rushed to the airport, only to find that he had forgotten his passport.

  1. in the middle of...  在(時間、空間)中間
    I was very embarrassed when my car broke down in the middle of the busy intersection.
    Peter fell asleep in the middle of the lecture.
  2. contain vt. 包含
    Try to avoid foods which contain a lot of fat.
  3. beg vt. & vi. 懇求
    beg sb to V  懇求某人從事……
    beg (sb) for sth  懇求(某人)給予某物
    Henry begged his girlfriend to stay with him, but she had already made up her mind to break up.
    The woman had to beg for food and money for her children.
  4. grab vt. 抓住
    The father grabbed his son's arm to stop him from running out into the road.
  5. depressed a. 感到憂鬱的
    be depressed about...  對……感到鬱悶
    Ted seemed a bit depressed about having to work on the weekend.
  6. give sth a shot  嘗試某事
    = give sth a try
    I've never tried hang-gliding before, but I thought I'd give it a shot.
  7. guide vt. 引導 & n. 導遊
    Nick took the old lady's arm to guide her through the busy station.
  8. swoop vi. 俯衝
    The eagle swooped down on its prey.
  9. vanish vi. 消失(= disappear)
    We rushed out of the restaurant, but the thief had vanished into thin air.
  10. stroll n. & vi. 散步
    take a stroll / go for a stroll  去散步
    We've made it a habit to go for a stroll in the park with the puppy after dinner.
  11. upset a. 感到沮喪的
    Don't get so upset about the dress because the stain is barely visible.
  12. achieve vt. 達到(= attain)
    achieve a goal / an objective / a target
    The sales team failed to achieve its sales target for the 3rd straight quarter.
    業務團隊連續 3 季都未能達到業績目標。
  13. grateful a. 感激的
    be grateful to sb for sth  感激某人某事
    I'm so grateful to you for all that you've done.


1. 這則故事一開始發生了什麼事?
(A) 茱恩的媽媽告訴她聖誕老公公不存在。
(B) 茱恩和媽媽當時正在西門町附近閒逛。
(C) 茱恩想嘗試夾娃娃機的遊戲。
(D) 一位老伯伯對茱恩很友善。
題解:根據本文第 1 段第 1 句 "June and her mother were walking around Ximending in the middle of August..."(八月中旬的某一天,茱恩和媽媽在西門町附近散步,……),得知 (B) 項應為正選。
2. 茱恩在玩夾娃娃機碰運氣時發生了什麼事?
(A) 她在第一次嘗試就成功地設法取得她想要的物品。
(B) 她決定不要喜歡綠色小豬。
(C) 她沒達到目標感到很沮喪。
(D) 她央求某人幫助她。
題解:根據本文第 1 段最後 1 句 "Each time she tried, she got more depressed because she didn't succeed at getting the pig she wanted."(她每試一次就變得更加地沮喪,因為她還是無法成功地夾到想要的小豬。),得知 (C) 項應為正選。
3. 根據本文,下列哪一項陳述是正確的?
(A) 茱恩的媽媽很感激那位老伯伯及時的幫助。
(B) 茱恩的媽媽不喜歡她和陌生人談話。
(C) 茱恩需要練習對他人好一點。
(D) 茱恩是夾娃娃機的專家。
題解:由本文最後 1 段第 3 句 " Her mother took the pig and turned around to thank the man..."(她母親接過小豬玩具並轉身要感謝那名男子,……),
得知 (A) 項應為正選。

答案:1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (A)



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