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2013/07/02 第117期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Cesar Millan's Leader of the Pack 狗班長選狗窩
by Marcus Maurice
If you could whisper to a dog, what would you say?

  Even at a young age, Cesar Millan had a way with dogs. As a matter of fact, when he was growing up on a farm in Mexico, he was called el Perrero, which means the dog boy in Spanish. At the age of 21, Millan illegally crossed the border into the US without knowing a word of English. He started working as a groomer and mostly handled the aggressive dogs. He has come a long way since then and is now one of the most famous dog trainers in the world. His books on dog training have sold more than two million copies, and he has a host of celebrity friends that turn to him for advice, including Oprah Winfrey and Jada Pinkett Smith. His nickname now is the Dog Whisperer because of the way he can help difficult and struggling animals.
  This month on National Geographic Channel, Millan takes on troubled dogs on Cesar Millan's Leader of the Pack. In one of the episodes, Millan meets Rosie, a Staffordshire Bull Terrier that has been in and out of shelters. Because of this, Rosie has developed some bad habits. Millan's goal is to get her to overcome these issues so that she can be adopted. Three families are tested by Millan to see which one she fits best with.
  Dora is another troubled dog. She's small, but since she has been spoiled, she attacks all other dogs, regardless of their size. This could be dangerous for her one day because she might get hurt. Millan sets out to find Dora a master that has the confidence to help her have a better, safer life. Catch Millan and all of his four-legged friends in Cesar Millan's Leader of the Pack this month.

  1. whisper vi. & vt. 低語
    whisper sth into sb's ear
    Marty whispered his secret into my ear.
  2. have a way with...
    Miranda truly has a way with children.
  3. As a matter of fact,...  事實上,……
    = In fact,...
    = Actually,...
    = In reality,...
    Earthquakes are common in Taiwan. As a matter of fact, I felt a small one this morning.
  4. aggressive a. 具攻擊性的,好鬥的
    We have to be aggressive to win the game.
  5. have come a long way  有長足的進步
    Technology has come a long way over the last decade.
  6. a host of...  許多……
    There was a host of recruiters in attendance at the job fair.
  7. turn to sb (for sth)  (為某事)向某人求助
    Simon usually turns to his friends for sympathy.
  8. take on…  接受(艱巨的工作或重大的責任)
    Janet took on more freelance cases because she needed the money.
  9. develop vt. 逐漸養成
    We developed good reading habits when we were kids thanks to our mom.
  10. overcome vt. 戒除;克服
    Jerry wasn't able to overcome his shyness on stage.
  11. adopt vt. 領養;採取
    After being adopted, the orphan thrived in his new, loving home.
    *thrive vi. 茁壯
    You should adopt an optimistic attitude toward life.
  12. spoil vt. 溺愛;破壞,搞砸
    Most grandparents tend to spoil their grandchildren.
    A sudden storm spoiled the outdoor concert.
  13. set out to V  著手進行……
    = begin to V
    The investigator set out to locate the cause of the fire.
  1. pack n.(狼或狗的)一群
  2. illegally adv. 非法地
    illegal a. 非法的
  3. border n. 邊界
  4. groomer n. 從事造型/美容業者(此指寵物美容師)
  5. handle vt. 處理
    = deal with...
    = cope with...
  6. copy n.(書、報紙的)一冊、一份
  7. celebrity n. 名人,名流
  8. nickname n. 綽號
  9. struggling a. 好鬥的;鬥爭的
  10. episode n.(電視影集/連續劇的)一集
  11. shelter n. 棲身之處,避難所
  12. issue n. 問題
  1. in and out  進進出出

He has come a long way since then and is...

此處 since 作介詞,表『自從……』、『自……之後』,之後接明確的時間、名詞、動名詞或時間副詞 then,形成副詞片語,修飾現在完成式或現在完成進行式的主要子句。
Since moving to Cuba, my brother has written me many interesting letters about his adventures.
She's small, but since she has been spoiled, ...

這裡的 since 作副詞連接詞,表『既然……』、『因為……』,其後引導的副詞子句及所修飾的主要子句用一般時態。
Since Jessie couldn't afford to live on her own anymore, she went back to live with her parents.
歷屆考題 (考古題源自歷年考題原句並做部份刪減)
America was graduating half of the world's PhDs in science and technology. _______ then, America's annual output of PhDs has doubled to 64,000. 【100 年】
(A) Although (B) Despite of
(C) Even though (D) Since

Grammar Tips  歷屆考題答案:D


  即使在年幼時,西薩.米蘭就對狗狗很有一套。事實上,他在墨西哥的一座農場裡長大時,被稱為 el Perrero,即西班牙語中『馴狗達人』的意思。米蘭二十一歲時,非法越過邊境進入美國,當時他一句英文也不懂。他最初是一位寵物美容師,而且主要是處理一些好鬥的狗狗。從那時候起,他已有了長足的進步,而現在已是全球最知名的馴狗師之一了。關於他訓練狗的著作,已銷售兩百多萬冊,而且他有一大堆名人朋友來向他諮詢討教,其中包括了歐普拉.溫芙蕾以及潔達.蘋姬.史密斯。由於米蘭的方式能幫助不易相處及好鬥的狗狗,所以他的綽號現在就叫『可與狗狗對話的人(狗班長)』。

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