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2014/01/07 第144期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Inside the American Mob 美國黑幫秘辛
by Marcus Maurice

There have been many movies and TV shows about the Mafia because it is filled with interesting characters.

  For a time, the American Mafia avoided dealing drugs because it was against their code and ruined people's lives. Instead, they focused on crimes like loan sharking, prostitution, and gambling. In the 1960s and 1970s, though, profits from the drug trade became too big for the Mafia to ignore, so they joined in. Many people believe this was the beginning of the end for the organized crime family.
  Joe Pistone, also known as Donnie Brasco, was an FBI agent who went undercover for six years to infiltrate the drug trade of the Mafia families in New York City. He was picked for the job because he was an Italian from New Jersey and knew the code of conduct of the Mafia. The operation was extremely successful, and Pistone's information led to the conviction of 100 people. Pistone was very close to becoming a made man at one point, but he would have had to kill to receive that honor. This month on National Geographic Channel, Inside the American Mob takes a microscope to Operation Donnie Brasco and reveals what ended up happening to Pistone.
  Another interesting mobster featured on Inside the American Mob is Angelo Bruno. He refused to let his men sell drugs but took a cut of the profits from the people that did. This led to a lot of his people being upset with him because the money wasn't trickling down. Eventually, in 1980, Bruno was brutally murdered while sitting in his car in front of his home. This assassination set off a wave of deaths in the Mafia, and a new era of crime began. Learn all the details about Pistone, Bruno, and more of the Mafia on Inside the American Mob this month.

  1. ignore vt. 忽視,忽略
    The taxi drivers staged a protest when their demands were ignored.
    *stage a protest  發動抗議
  2. organized a. 有組織的
    organize vt. 籌劃,籌辦
    To use your time efficiently, you should organize your plans according to their priorities.
  3. infiltrate vt. 滲透
    It took several years for the undercover detective to infiltrate the crime family.
  4. conduct n. 行為 & vt. 執行,實行
    code of conduct  行為規範
    conduct a survey   進行調查
    The company conducted a survey about the new market before they launched their products.
  5. operation n. 行動;手術
    perform an operation on...  在……上動手術
    The surgeon performed an operation on Linda's left knee this morning.
  6. conviction n. 定罪
    convict vt. 將……定罪
    be convicted of...  被判定有……罪
    The stealing conviction brought the actor's career to an end.
    Several gangsters were convicted of drug trafficking.
  7. take a cut of...  從……中拿一部份(錢)
    Julia was determined to take her cut of the winnings.
  8. brutally adv. 殘忍地
    The Taliban was accused of brutally oppressing ethnic and religious minorities.
    *oppress vt. 壓迫
  9. assassination n. 暗殺
    assassinate vt. 暗殺
    The assassination has remained an unsolved mystery for more than 50 years.
    The senator was assassinated while he was giving a speech last week.
  10. set off...  引發……;引燃/發射……
    The terrorists planned to set off a bomb in the business center.
  1. mob n. 犯罪集團
  2. the Mafia n. 黑手黨
  3. loan sharking  放高利貸
  4. prostitution n. 賣淫
  5. agent n. 探員;經紀人
  6. undercover a. 秘密的,暗中進行的
  7. made man  美國黑手黨的成員
  8. microscope n. 顯微鏡
  9. mobster n. 暴徒
  10. trickle vi. 慢慢移動;滴;流
  1. be filled with...  充滿……
    = be full of...
  2. focus on...  注重/著重於……
  3. end up + 現在分詞/介詞片語  到頭來……

  有一段時間,美國的黑手黨是不碰毒品的,因為這違反了他們的幫規,也殘害了人們的生活。相反地,他們把焦點放在像是放高利貸、賣淫以及賭博等犯罪行為上。然而,在 1960 及 1970 年代,毒品交易的利潤大到讓黑手黨無法忽視,因此他們便加入了販毒的行列。許多人認為販毒的行為讓這個有組織的犯罪家族開始踏上了結束之路。
  另外一位在《美國黑幫秘辛》節目中介紹的有趣幫派份子就是安傑洛•布魯諾。他拒絕讓他的手下販毒,但卻從那些販毒的人手中剝削了他們的利益。此舉讓他的許多手下對他很不滿,因為這些利益並未與他們分享。最後,布魯諾於 1980 年在自家門前的車裡遭到殘忍的殺害。這起刺殺行動在黑手黨內掀起了一陣殺戮的風潮,而一個新的犯罪時代也就此展開。觀賞這個月的《美國黑幫秘辛》節目來了解所有和皮斯通、布魯諾以及更多黑手黨相關的細節吧。

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