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2014/04/15 第158期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Butterfly Effect 蝴蝶效應
by Daniel Howard

Can a butterfly cause a hurricane? Chaos theory says it can.

  The butterfly effect is the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world could cause a hurricane on the other side. _(1)_ As part of his research on complex weather patterns, he noticed that it was sometimes impossible to predict the weather. Lorenz turned to a field of mathematics called chaos theory for the answers, and he found that tiny events like the movement of a butterfly's wings could have huge consequences.
  Chaos theory uses complicated mathematical equations to explain complex events in the real world. _(2)_ Advances in computers made it possible to do more complex mathematical calculations that the human brain was incapable of. _(3)_ A butterfly flapping its wings really could cause a hurricane.
  Since it is so poetic, the butterfly effect caught the public's attention. It has become a popular idea in science fiction, especially where time travel is involved. _(4)_ It has been the subject of short stories, novels, and even a movie aptly named The Butterfly Effect. In any story making use of the butterfly effect, the message is that every action has a consequence. _(5)_ Either way, the butterfly effect makes people carefully consider their actions, large and small.

(A) The results were amazing because, by using math, scientists saw that even unrelated events could be related.
(B) The field of chaos theory goes back to the 1880s, but it wasn't until the 1960s that chaos theory was understood well enough to be useful.
(C) Sometimes that consequence is clear, and sometimes it can only be explained by something as complex as chaos theory.
(D) The term butterfly effect was coined by a mathematician and meteorologist Edward Lorenz.
(E) Born in 1917, Edward Lorenz was viewed as a pioneer of chaos theory.
(F) In some science fiction, a single tiny change in the past could completely change the course of history.

  1. 第一題空格應選 (D)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "The butterfly effect is the idea that a butterfly flapping its wings on one side of the world could..."(蝴蝶效應是一種蝴蝶在世界的某一邊拍動翅膀,就可能……的概念。),而 (D) 項句子補充說明 "The term butterfly effect was
    coined by..."(蝴蝶效應這個名詞是……所創。),前後兩句皆有提及 butterfly effect(蝴蝶效應)一詞,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(D) 項應為正選。
    a. coin vt. 創造,發明(新字詞)
    Peter's nickname, Lefty, was coined because he throws baseballs with his left hand.
    b. mathematician n. 數學家
    c. meteorologist n. 氣象學家
  2. 第二題空格應選 (B)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "Chaos theory uses complicated mathematical equations to explain complex events in the real world." (混沌理論利用複雜的數學方程式來解釋現實世界中的複雜事件。),而 (B) 項句子補充說明 "The field of chaos theory goes back to the 1880s,..."(混沌理論的領域可以追溯至 1880 年代,……。),前後兩句皆提及 chaos theory(混沌理論)一詞,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(B) 項應為正選。
  3. 第三題空格應選 (A)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "Advances in computers made it possible to do more complex mathematical calculations..."(電腦的進步使我們能夠進行更複雜的數學運算……。),而 (A) 項句子補充說明 "The results were amazing because, by using math, scientists saw that..."(結果令人驚訝,因為藉由數學的運用,科學家們了解到……。),前一句的 mathematical(數學的)和後一句的 math(數學)使兩句形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(A) 項應為正選。
    unrelated a. 不相關的
  4. 第四題空格應選 (F)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "It has become a popular idea in science fiction, especially where time travel is involved."(它已經變成科幻小說中相當受歡迎的概念,特別是涉及時空旅行的科幻小說。),而 (F) 項句子補充說明 "In some science fiction, a single tiny change in the past..."(在某些科幻小說中,過去一個微小的變化……),前後兩句皆有提及 science fiction(科幻小說)一詞,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(F) 項應為正選。
  5. 第五題空格應選 (C)
    a. 空格前一句提到 "In any story making use of the butterfly effect, the message is that every action has a consequence."(在任何利用蝴蝶效應的故事中,所要傳達的訊息就是每項行為都會有其結果。),而 (C) 項句子補充說明 "Sometimes that consequence is clear, and sometimes it can only..."(有時候結果是很明確的,而有時候只能……),前後兩句皆有提及 consequence(結果)一字,故形成關聯。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  1. research n. 研究,調查(不可數)
    do research on...  從事……方面的研究
    Many scientists are currently doing research on black holes.
  2. predict vt. 預測
    With business getting better and better, I predict that we will make a great deal of money next year.
  3. movement n. 活動;(社會或政治的)運動
    The Civil Rights Movement brought great changes to the US in all aspects.
  4. consequence n. 結果
    Reckless driving can have disastrous consequences.
    *disastrous a. 悲慘的
  5. complicated a. 複雜的
    Mark solved the complicated math problem with ease.
  6. advance n. 進步;進展
    The 20th century saw revolutionary advances in medicine.
  7. be incapable / capable of N/V-ing  不能……/能夠……
    I doubt if Terry is capable of completing the mission all by himself.
  8. make use of...  利用……
    = take advantage of...
    = cash in on...
    Jennifer made use of the apples I gave her by baking an apple pie.
  1. hurricane n. 颶風(發生於美洲或歐洲)
    = cyclone n. 暴風(發生於印度洋)
  2. chaos n. 混亂
  3. flap vt. 拍動(翅膀)
  4. complex a. 複雜的;難懂的
  5. equation n.(數學)方程式
  6. poetic a. 有詩意的
  7. aptly adv. 巧妙地,適切地

  混沌理論利用複雜的數學方程式來解釋現實世界中的複雜事件。混沌理論的領域可以追溯至 1880 年代,但混沌理論一直到 1960 年代才被充份理解而成為有用的理論。電腦的進步使我們能夠進行更複雜的數學運算,而這是人類的大腦所不能勝任的。結果令人驚訝,因為藉由數學的運用,科學家們了解到即使是原本不相關的事件也可能會有所關聯。蝴蝶翅膀的拍動真的有可能會引發颶風。

答案: 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. F 5. C



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