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2014/07/29 第173期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The House Always Wins 誰是贏家?
by Marcus Maurice

Blackjack, baccarat, and poker are just three of the hundreds of games played in casinos.

  Casinos have been around for as long as people have had the desire to gamble, which is a very, very long time. The term casino comes from the Italian word casa, which means house. The first casinos were buildings built for _(1)_ in villages and included dancing, drinking and, of course, gambling.
  Nowadays, casinos are a multi-billion dollar industry. Las Vegas has been home _(2)_ legalized gambling in the US since 1931, and for many years it was the biggest gambling town in the world. Over the past few years, though, Macau has overtaken Las Vegas in terms of profitability. With so many Chinese people now _(3)_ money to blow, it seems as though Macau will continue to get bigger for many years to come.
  The inside of a casino is a psychological minefield for the _(4)_ gambler. There are no clocks or windows, and all the important places, like bars and bathrooms, are all _(5)_ in random corners. Casinos tend to give away free drinks, free rooms, free tickets to fancy shows, and just about anything else _(6)_ so that customers will gamble their money away in their establishments. The casino business is a fierce one, and competition for high rollers is non-stop.
  Going to a casino is great fun, but don't bet money you cannot afford to lose. Since casinos have the slight _(7)_ in every game, there is an old adage that states, "The house always wins." This means that while people might win money on one hand, one night, or even go on a hot streak, eventually that same person will dump his or her money back into the casino.

1. (A) pleasure  (B) complaint  (C) discovery  (D) protection
2. (A) with  (B) up  (C) upon  (D) to
3. (A) by having  (B) are having  (C) have  (D) having
4. (A) liberal  (B) average  (C) irregular  (D) sufficient
5. (A) strengthened  (B) confessed  (C) disturbed  (D) scattered
6. (A) defensive  (B) flexible  (C) imaginable  (D) habitual
7. (A) edge  (B) expansion  (C) output  (D) mischief

  1. The first casinos were buildings built for pleasure in villages and included dancing, drinking and, of course, gambling.
    a. (A) pleasure n. 樂趣
    take pleasure in...  喜愛/樂於從事……
    = take delight in...
    Sandy takes pleasure in criticizing other people.
    (B) complaint n. 投訴;抱怨
    make a complaint about...  投訴……;抱怨……
    If you want to make a complaint about poor service, please dial this number.
    (C) discovery n. 發現
    Many people mistakenly believed that the world was flat before Christopher Columbus' discovery.
    (D) protection n. 保護,防護
    The article aims to emphasize the importance of environmental protection.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  2. Las Vegas has been home to legalized gambling in the US since 1931...
    從 1931 年起,拉斯維加斯一直是美國合法賭場的所在地……
    a. 本空格測試以下固定用法:
    be home to...  是……的所在地/大本營
    This river is home to several species of fish.
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  3. With so many Chinese people now having money to blow, it seems as though Macau will continue to get bigger for many years to come.
    a. 本空格測試情狀介詞片語的固定用法:
    with + 受詞 + 過去分詞/現在分詞(均作受詞補語)
    Sally sat in the sofa with her eyes closed.
    The old man sat in his rocking chair with a cat sleeping on his lap.
    b. 根據上述用法,(D) 項應為正選。
  4. The inside of a casino is a psychological minefield for the average gambler.
    a. (A) liberal a. 開放的
    Many elderly people are conservative, whereas younger people are usually more liberal.
    (B) average a. 一般的;普通的
    An average human generates the energy equivalent to a lightbulb.
    (C) irregular a. 不規律的;不規則的
    Henry's irregular eating habits resulted in a stomach ulcer.
    (D) sufficient a. 充份的,足夠的
    be sufficient for...  對……是足夠的
    This amount of money will be sufficient for our living expenses.
    b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  5. There are no clocks or windows, and all the important places, like bars and bathrooms, are all scattered in random corners.
    a. (A) strengthen vt. 加強,鞏固
    Doing push-ups is a great way to strengthen your arms.
    (B) confess vt. & vi. 坦承
    confess to sb + that 子句  向某人坦承……
    Peter confessed to his mom that he had stolen her money.
    (C) disturb vt. 妨礙,打擾
    The students were charged with disturbing the peace.
    (D) scatter vt. 分散,散佈
    The children scattered their toys all over the house.
    b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
  6. Casinos tend to give away free drinks, free rooms, free tickets to fancy shows, and just about anything else imaginable so that customers will...
    a. (A) defensive a. 防禦的
    Don't be so defensive. My comments weren't meant to offend you.
    (B) flexible a. 有彈性的
    These pants are made with a very flexible material, so they will fit people of all sizes.
    (C) imaginable a. 想像得到的
    For me, the most terrifying thing imaginable is a baby that won't stop crying.
    (D) habitual a. 習慣性的
    Do you know Robert is a habitual liar?
    b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
  7. Since casinos have the slight edge in every game, there is an old adage that states...
    a. (A) edge n. 優勢
    The ruling party holds the edge in the election.
    (B) expansion n. 擴張
    The company's financial problems are interfering with its plans for expansion.
    (C) output n. 生產;產量
    These measures will allow us to double our product output.
    (D) mischief n. 惡作劇
    Michael was punished by his father for his mischief.
    b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
  1. desire n. & vt. 渴望;欲望
    It was my desire to experience different cultures that brought me to Africa.
    If a student desires to become a journalist, he or she can get experience by writing for school publications.
  2. legalized a. 合法的
    legalize vt. 使合法
    Sam participated in a campaign whose aim is to legalize certain drugs.
  3. overtake vt. 超越,趕上
    三態為:overtake, overtook, overtaken。
    I don't think any other cell phone will overtake the iPhone as my favorite.
    我不認為有任何手機能超越 iPhone 成為我的最愛。
  4. random a. 隨機的
    A survey is supposed to be a random sampling of the public's overall opinion.
  5. tend to V  往往……;傾向……
    Andy tends to bite his nails when he's nervous.
  6. fancy a. 精彩的;高級的
    David likes to show off his fancy sports car whenever he can.
  7. fierce a. 激烈的
    There is fierce competition between the two leading car manufacturers.
  8. dump vt. 傾倒;拋棄
    Alex turned his girlfriend's life upside down when he dumped her two weeks before the wedding.
  1. blackjack n. 二十一點(一種紙牌遊戲)
  2. baccarat n. 百家樂(一種紙牌遊戲)
  3. casino n. 賭場
  4. profitability n. 利潤;收益
  5. psychological a. 心理的
  6. minefield n. 地雷區(引申為需小心應付的事情)
  7. establishment n. 機關;公司
  8. a high roller  豪賭的人
  9. adage n. 諺語;格言
  10. a hot streak  (撲克牌)連勝
  1. in terms of...  就……而言
  2. give away... / give...away  送出/發送……

  從人們有賭博的欲望以來,賭場便一直存在,而這是很久很久以前的事了。『賭場』(casino)這個名詞來自於義大利文中的 casa 這個字,意思指的是房子。最早的賭場是在村落裡建立來提供樂趣的建築物,裡面包括了跳舞、喝酒,當然還有賭博。
  時至今日,賭場成了資本額數十億元的產業。從 1931 年起,拉斯維加斯一直是美國合法賭場的所在地,而有許多年它都是世界上規模最大的賭城。然而,在過去幾年,澳門在獲利方面已超越了拉斯維加斯。現今澳門有這麼多中國人有錢可花,它的規模似乎在未來許多年都還會持續擴大。
答案: 1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. A


柴可夫斯基是俄羅斯的浪漫樂派作曲家。他出生於一個貴族家庭,從五歲就開始學鋼琴,並在幾個月以後就能熟練演奏Friedrich Kalkbrenner的作品Le Fou,非常有天份。

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