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2015/03/31 第207期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Vegetable Orchestra  『蔬菜風』音樂
by William Ryan

Using carved-out carrots and turnips creates a musical sound like no other.

  A unique, internationally acclaimed musical ensemble composed of 12 members was founded in Vienna, Austria, in 1998. What _(1)_ the Vegetable Orchestra different is the instruments they perform on because they are all made from vegetables. Carrots, cabbage, celery, artichoke, pumpkin and leeks, either fresh or dried, are all among the _(2)_ plants they use to create instruments that produce a unique, organic sound. Another thing that is unusual about the Vegetable Orchestra is its collective mindset. They _(3)_ themselves as a self-organized group without a leader. Each member has an equal _(4)_ on any issue, whether creative or commercial, that affects him or her.
  The Vienna-based ensemble's surprising music is amazing for its tonal and rhythmic _(5)_. Although strange and unfamiliar, the acoustic qualities of vegetables are delicate and actually _(6)_ to the ear, at least as they are presented by these creative and gifted performers. Instrument creations such as the cucumber trumpet, leek violin, carrot recorder, celery guitar, and pumpkin drum are crafted using knives, drills and other tools and then played onstage. New types of vegetable instruments are being created _(7)_ the time. Most of them only _(8)_ one performance, so the musicians necessarily handcraft fresh ones just before each concert. The parts of the vegetables that are left over after the instruments are built _(9)_ then made into a soup, which is served to the audience after the concert.
  The music of the Vegetable Orchestra is a fusion of many diverse genres and naturally has a style all its own. Its influences include contemporary electronic and experimental music, improvised noise, pop, and other musical elements. _(10)_ exploring and refining the boundaries of vegetable music, the Vegetable Orchestra performs all over the world.

(A) Constantly (B) makes (C) are (D) variety (E) describe
(F) outrages (G) last (H) Narrowly (I) pleasing (J) all
(K) vote (L) eatable

  1. What makes the Vegetable Orchestra different is the instruments they perform on because they are all made from vegetables.
    a. 空格前有作主詞的複合關係代名詞 what(= the thing which),空格後有作受詞的名詞詞組 the Vegetable Orchestra(蔬菜交響樂團),得知空格內應置第三人稱單數及物動詞。
    What is good for you may not be good for others.
    b. 選項中為第三人稱單數及物動詞的有 (B) makes(使得)及 (F) outrages(激怒),惟根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
  2. Carrots, cabbage, celery, artichoke, pumpkin and leeks, either fresh or dried, are all among the eatable plants they use to create instruments that produce a unique, organic sound.
    a. 空格前有冠詞 the,空格後有名詞 plants(植物),得知空格內應置形容詞以修飾 plants。
    b. 選項中為形容詞的有 (G) last(最後的)、(I) pleasing(令人滿意的)及 (L) eatable(可食用的),惟根據語意,(L) 項應為正選。
    c. eatable a. 可食用的
    同: edible a.
    Some mushrooms are eatable, while others are highly poisonous.
  3. They describe themselves as a self-organized group without a leader.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    describe sb/sth as...  把某人/某物描述成……
    Luke described his girlfriend as an intelligent beauty.
    b. 根據上述,(E) 項應為正選。
  4. Each member has an equal vote on any issue, whether creative or commercial, that affects him or her.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 equal(平等的),空格後有介詞 on,得知空格內應置名詞以被 equal 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的有 (D) variety(多樣性)及 (K) vote(表決),惟根據語意,(K) 項應為正選。
    c. vote n. 表決
    Whether we are going on a picnic on Sunday or not will be decided by vote.
  5. The Vienna-based ensemble's surprising music is amazing for its tonal and rhythmic variety.
    a. 空格前有形容詞 rhythmic(節奏的),得知空格內應置名詞以被 rhythmic 修飾。
    b. 選項中為名詞的僅剩 (D) variety(多樣性),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. variety n. 多樣性;變化
    衍: a variety of...  各式各樣的……
    There was a variety of food at the cafeteria.
  6. Although strange and unfamiliar, the acoustic qualities of vegetables are delicate and actually pleasing to the ear, at least as they are presented by these creative and gifted performers.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    be pleasing to the ear  悅耳動聽
    The soft music is very pleasing to the ear.
    b. 根據上述,(I) 項應為正選。
  7. New types of vegetable instruments are being created all the time.
    a. 本題測試以下固定用法:
    all the time  一直,經常,總是
    同: at all times
    = constantly adv.
    Paul doesn't like babies because they seem to cry all the time.
    b. 根據上述,(J) 項應為正選。
  8. Most of them only last one performance, so the musicians necessarily handcraft fresh ones just before each concert.
    a. 本句主詞為複數名詞詞組 Most of them(大多數的蔬菜樂器),而空格前有副詞 only(只),空格後亦有名詞詞組 one performance(一場表演),得知空格應置複數動詞以被 only 修飾。
    b. 選項中為複數動詞的僅剩 (G) last(維持),置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
    c. last vt. & vi. 持續
    My lottery winnings will last me for the rest of my life.
    The tiring meeting lasted (for) almost five hours.
  9. The parts of the vegetables that are left over after the instruments are built are then made into a soup, which is served to the audience after the concert.
    a. 空格前有作主詞的複數名詞詞組 The parts of the vegetables that are left over after the instruments are built(而在樂器完成之後,剩餘的蔬菜部份),空格後有副詞 then(接著)及過去分詞 made(做),得知空格應置複數 be 動詞 are 以形成被動式。
    b. 根據上述,(C) 項應為正選。
  10. Constantly exploring and refining the boundaries of vegetable music, the Vegetable Orchestra performs all over the world.
    a. 原句實為:
    The Vegetable Orchestra constantly explores and refines the boundaries of vegetable music, the Vegetable Orchestra performs all over the world.
    b. 由上述所見,空格前有主詞 The Vegetable Orchestra(蔬菜交響樂團),空格後有動詞 explores and refines(探索並精進),得知空格應置副詞以修飾 explores and refines。
    c. 選項中為副詞的有 (A) Constantly(持續地)及 (H) Narrowly(狹窄地;嚴密地),惟根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
    d. constantly adv. 持續不斷地;經常地
    Our company is constantly updating the website.
  1. be like no other  獨樹一格,與眾不同
    Guam's deep sea adventures are like no other.
  2. be composed of...  由……組成
    同: be made up of...
    = consist of...
    The committee was composed of 10 members.
  3. be made from...  由……製成(產品不保留材料原來的性質)
    衍: be made of...  由……製成(產品仍保有材料原來的性質)
  4. be left over  剩餘/下
    This food was left over from last night's dinner.

carved-out a. 雕刻好的
ensemble n. 小型合奏團
artichoke n. 朝鮮薊
leek n. 韭蔥
tonal a. 音調的
rhythmic a. 有節奏的;有韻律的
acoustic a.(樂器)原聲的
recorder n. 直笛
craft vt. 精細製作
fusion n. 融合
genre n. 流派;類型
improvised a. 即興創作的
refine vt. 使精進

  1. orchestra n. 管弦樂隊
  2. turnip n. 蕪菁
  3. acclaimed a. 受到讚揚的
    衍: acclaim vt. 稱讚
    Andrew's latest album was an acclaimed masterpiece.
    The writer's work has been acclaimed as the best of its genre.
  4. cabbage n. 高麗菜,甘藍菜
  5. celery n. 芹菜
  6. organic a. 自然的;有機的
    It is debatable whether organic foods are better than non-organic foods.
  7. mindset n. 心態
  8. commercial a. 商業的
    This firm's commercial success depends on its sales.
  9. delicate a. 精緻的;脆弱的
    Jonathan gave me a set of delicate teacups for my birthday.
    The old book is very delicate and should be handled with care.
  10. gifted a. 有天份的
    衍: be gifted / talented in...  在……方面有天份
    Tommy is gifted in music but has problems academically.
  11. drill n. 鑽頭 & vt. 鑽孔
  12. handcraft vt. 手工製作 & n. 手工藝
    This vase is handcrafted, so it is very expensive.
    Cross-stitching is an interesting and delicate handcraft.
  13. contemporary a. 當代的
    Of all the contemporary artists in the world today, that young man is the best.
  14. boundary n. 邊界,界線
    The boundary between the desert and the city is changing every day.


  一個由十二名成員所組成的獨特、享譽國際的音樂合奏團,在 1998 年於奧地利維也納市創立。讓蔬菜交響樂團變得與眾不同之處,在於他們所演奏的樂器,因為這些樂器全是由蔬菜製成。胡蘿蔔、高麗菜、芹菜、朝鮮薊、南瓜和韭蔥,不管是新鮮的還是乾燥的,當中全都是可食用的植物,他們利用這些植物來製造出可產生獨特且自然聲音的樂器。蔬菜交響樂團另一個特別之處在於它的集體心態。他們將自己形容為一個沒有領導者的自我組織團體。每一位成員針對任何一種會影響個人的議題皆有平等的表決權,無論此議題是否與創意還是商業有關。
答案: 1. B 2. L 3. E 4. K 5. D 6. I 7. J 8. G 9. C 10. A

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