New App Helps Fight the Sex Trafficking▼ of Children 打擊兒童情色交易的幕後功臣
by Brian Foden |
Using TraffickCam, the public can take photos of hotel rooms to help locate criminals.
透過 TraffickCam,民眾可以拍下飯店房間的照片以幫助找出罪犯的位置。 |
It's a sad fact that the sex trafficking of children is a major problem around the world. One of the big reasons this _(1)_ activity continues to exist is that the perpetrators▼ try their best to keep it hidden from sight. Rather than forcing children to solicit▼ for sex on the streets, where law enforcement▼ officers would more easily _(2)_ the crime, traffickers take photos of minors▼ in hotel rooms and post the pictures online as a type of advertising for "clients." Those behind this sexual exploitation see hotels as ideal spots because they can change locations frequently to avoid getting caught, and they assume police will not be able to discover _(3)_ the pictures were taken.
_(4)_, an initiative called TraffickCam is enlisting▼ the public's help in battling this despicable▼ crime. Both an online service and a downloadable app, TraffickCam was created by the social action group Exchange Initiative along with researchers from Washington University in St. Louis. People are _(5)_ to download the TraffickCam app, snap photos of the rooms they are staying in from four different angles, and then upload them to a large database▼. Once the photos are in the TraffickCam system, police can compare them with those taken by the _(6)_ who traffic children. Innovative software compares patterns▼ in carpeting, furniture, and other items found in hotel and motel rooms to _(7)_ lists of places where the photos of the children might have been taken. TraffickCam is a valuable new tool in the fight against the sex trafficking of young people.
1. (A) durable (B) pleasant (C) illegal (D) joyful
2. (A) permit (B) hail (C) promote (D) spot
3. (A) where (B) what (C) whom (D) when
4. (A) Approximately (B) Fortunately (C) Negatively (D) Properly
5. (A) encouraged (B) condemned (C) punished (D) betrayed
6. (A) judges (B) landlords (C) champions (D) criminals
7. (A) emerge from (B) put up with (C) come up with (D) derive from

- One of the big reasons this illegal activity continues to exist is that the perpetrators try their best to keep it hidden from sight.
a. (A) durable a. 耐用的
Scientists are trying to create lightweight and durable fabrics from feathers.
(B) pleasant a. 愉悅的
The couple had a pleasant weekend in Hualien.
(C) illegal a. 非法的,違法的
William was arrested for possessing an illegal weapon.
(D) joyful a. 充滿喜悅的
We were excited and joyful, knowing that our school team had won the game.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
- Rather than forcing children to solicit for sex on the streets, where law enforcement officers would more easily spot the crime...
a. (A) permit vt. 允許,許可
Our landlord doesn't permit pets in the apartment.
(B) hail vt. 歡呼;稱頌
After the end of the war, the politician was hailed as a great peacemaker.
(C) promote vt. 升遷;促進,提倡
The manager has decided to launch a series of campaigns to promote sales.
(D) spot vt. 看到;發現
Jeremy spotted a hole in his co-worker's marketing plans.
b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
- ... and they assume police will not be able to discover where the pictures were taken.
a. 空格前有及物動詞 discover(發現),其後為一完整子句,得知空格內應置疑問詞(how, what, when, where, why 等)以引導該名詞子句。
I don't know where my sister works precisely.
b. 根據上述及語意,(A) 項應為正選。
- Fortunately, an initiative called TraffickCam is enlisting the public's help in battling this despicable crime.
值得慶幸的是,一項稱作 TraffickCam 的計劃正尋求大眾的幫助以打擊這種卑劣的罪行。
a. (A) approximately adv. 大約
The flight from Taipei to Seoul takes approximately two and a half hours.
(B) fortunately adv. 幸運地
Tina was late, but fortunately, the movie hadn't started yet.
(C) negatively adv. 負面地
Anna talked negatively about my singing with some friends.
(D) properly adv. 適當地
Only people who are properly dressed can enter this restaurant.
b. 根據語意,(B) 項應為正選。
- People are encouraged to download the TraffickCam app, snap photos of the rooms they are staying in from four different angles...
他們鼓勵民眾下載 TraffickCam 應用程式,在他們留宿的房間以四個不同角度拍攝照片……
a. (A) encourage vt. 鼓勵;激勵
衍: encourage sb to V 鼓勵某人做……
Mom encouraged me to go to graduate school for further study.
(B) condemn vt. 譴責,指責
Greenpeace condemns people for killing sharks for their fins.
(C) punish vt. 處罰,懲罰
Zack was punished for lying to his mother about where he was.
(D) betray vt. 背叛
Mandy was filled with guilt and regret for betraying her best friend.
b. 根據語意,(A) 項應為正選。
- Once the photos are in the TraffickCam system, police can compare them with those taken by the criminals who traffic children.
一旦照片在 TraffickCam 的系統中,警方就可以用走私兒童罪犯所拍下的照片進行比對。
a. (A) judge n. 裁判;法官
A good judge has to be free from prejudice.
*prejudice n. 偏見
(B) landlord n. 房東
Henry decided to negotiate the rent with his landlord.
(C) champion n.(比賽的)冠軍
John is the champion of the dart league.
*dart n. 飛鏢
(D) criminal n. 罪犯
The dangerous criminal is still at large.
*at large 逍遙法外
b. 根據語意,(D) 項應為正選。
- Innovative software compares patterns in carpeting, furniture, and other items found in hotel and motel rooms to come up with lists of places where the photos of the children might have been taken.
a. (A) emerge from... 從……出現
emerge vi. 出現,露出
The fin of a shark emerged from the ocean, causing swimmers to panic.
*panic vi. 驚恐,驚慌
(B) put up with... 容忍……
Teresa couldn't put up with Kenny's attitude, so she dumped him.
(C) come up with... 想出/提出……(主意、點子)
We need to come up with a creative slogan to advertise the new product.
(D) derive from... 源自……
derive vi. 起源,源自
This story derives from an old legend.
b. 根據語意,(C) 項應為正選。
- locate vt. 找出……的位置
衍: location n. 地點;位置
The soldiers tried to locate the enemy's ship.
The price of a house usually depends on its location.
- exploitation n. 剝削
衍: exploit vt. 剝削
The workers reacted against the capitalists' ruthless exploitation by holding strikes.
*ruthless a. 殘酷的,無情的
European colonists exploited the labor of the natives in the diamond mines.
*colonist n. 殖民者
- assume vt. 認為;假定
Rita didn't see Al's wedding ring, so she assumed that he was single.
- discover vt. 發現
衍: discovery n. 發現
That scientist claims to have discovered a cure for cancer.
The discovery is regarded as a breakthrough in medical science.
- initiative n. 計劃;倡議;率先
衍: take the initiative 採取主動
If I didn't take the initiative to clean the house, no one would.
- battle vt. 與……作戰 & n. 戰鬥;交戰
The fire was finally out after firefighters had battled it for six hours.
Larry will have a verbal battle with his father if he insists on dropping out of school.
- snap vt. 拍攝(照片)
During our visit to the Eiffel Tower, Lucy snapped over 100 pictures.
- innovative a. 新穎的,創新的
The baker is known for creating big cakes with innovative designs.
- valuable a. 有用的,有價值的
衍: invaluable a. 無價的
Traveling alone is a valuable experience anyone could benefit from.
History books are invaluable resources for learning about the past.
▼ trafficking n. 非法交易,走私
衍: human trafficking 人口販賣
▼ perpetrator n. 罪犯
▼ solicit vi. & vt. 招攬生意;請求,懇求
▼ enforcement n. 執行,實施
▼ minor n. 未成年人
▼ enlist vt. 獲得;取得(幫助)
▼ despicable a. 卑劣的
▼ database n. 資料庫
▼ pattern n. 花紋,圖案 |
- force sb to V 迫使某人(做)……
Kevin's mom forced him to clean his room before allowing him to play computer games.
- compare A with B 比較 A 與 B
衍: compared to / with... 和……相較之下
It's interesting to compare Western customs with Chinese customs.
Compared to his earlier works, Dan's writing now is more detailed and refined.
*refined a. 精鍊的
透過 TraffickCam,民眾可以拍下飯店房間的照片以幫助找出罪犯的位置。
值得慶幸的是,一項稱作 TraffickCam 的計劃正尋求大眾的幫助以打擊這種卑劣的罪行。TraffickCam 既是線上服務也是可供下載的應用程式,它是由社會行動小組 Exchange Initiative 和聖路易華盛頓大學的研究人員所創造。他們鼓勵民眾下載 TraffickCam 應用程式,在他們留宿的房間以四個不同角度拍攝照片,接著再上傳到一個大型的資料庫。一旦照片在 TraffickCam 的系統中,警方就可以用走私兒童罪犯所拍下的照片進行比對。這個創新的軟體會比對地毯、傢俱上的樣式以及飯店或是汽車旅館內的其他物品,提供一系列兒童可能被拍下照片的地點清單。TraffickCam 是打擊青少年情色交易很有用的新工具。
答案: 1. C 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. C |
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