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2011/04/12 第1期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
It's Just a Dream, or Is It? 夢的解析
    Anything can happen in a dream. What's more, people often have dreams with similar themes. Here are the 10 most common types of dreams, along with how experts interpret their meanings. The first kind involves car troubles. Have you ever dreamed that you were in a car that had no brakes1 or that the car was about to go off a cliff? Pretty scary, isn't it? However, the meaning is not as simple as being afraid of cars. In fact, you are feeling powerless over something or are headed for disaster in real life.

  Dreams about phones or other machines that don't work properly mean that you are feeling cut off from the world. Then there are dreams about being lost or trapped. Maybe you can't get out of a forest or are caught in a spider web. These reflect your inability to make the right choice in real life, leading to the feeling of being stuck. Scenarios2 where you dream about missing a plane or a bus by mere seconds refer to a sense of frustration as well as missing important opportunities in real life. These often occur when you are struggling over a critical decision. The fifth type of dream is about failing a test, which commonly occurs in people who have been out of school for a long time. Experts say this not only shows that the person is feeling tested in some way in reality, but that they fear being unprepared as well.


1. interpret vt. 解讀,闡釋
The researcher spent days trying to interpret all the data he collected.

2. inability n. 無能為力
Samantha feels depressed about her inability to give her children a better life.

3. mere a. 僅僅的,只不過的(須與不定冠詞 a 並用,置於名詞前)
The team won the game by a mere two points.

4. frustration n. 沮喪;挫敗
Andrew felt a sense of frustration over not making the school team.

5. critical a. 重要的,關鍵性的
Interest is a critical factor in learning a language.
1. be headed/heading for + 困境  
The company is heading for bankruptcy as a result of bad management.

2. be cut off  被隔絕;被阻斷
The only road to the village was cut off by a huge landslide.

3. lead to...  導致/造成……
Rebecca's positive attitude leads to a happier life.
1. brake n. 煞車(常用複數)
2. scenario n. 情節;情況
However, the meaning is not as simple as being afraid of cars.
 Bruce is so clever as Jack. (X)
Bruce is as clever as Jack. (○)
 Kate is not as polite as John.
Kate is not so polite as John.



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