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2011/04/26 第3期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Geologic Journey 地質之旅

  People in Taiwan know firsthand the effects of shifting tectonic plates1. To put it simply, the island's residents have survived numerous earthquakes as a result of the Earth's crust2 moving. Who can forget the massive 7.3-magnitude3 quake that destroyed much of the island on September 21, 1999? What's more, images of the death and destruction from the 7.0-magnitude quake in Haiti and the one that registered 8.8 in Chile, both occurring in 2010, also come to mind.

  Some believe the Earth is suffering the wrath4 of Mother Nature, while others claim it is the start of the end of the world. The truth is that these movements in the Earth's crust are easily explained by science. According to the theory of plate tectonics, the Earth's crust consists of big rigid plates that are 80 to 100 kilometers thick. These plates change size and position over time, which causes intense geologic5 activity at the plate edges. These include volcanic eruptions6, tsunamis7, and earthquakes. National Geographic Channel and expert geologist, Dr. Nick Eyles, are on the case as they document the geologic forces that shape our world and our lives in "Geologic Journey."




1. shift vi. & vt. 移動;轉移(本文中以現在分詞作形容詞用)
My mother shifted her gaze from me to my brother, trying to find out who was lying.
2. survive vt. 倖存於,自……活下來
Kate was thankful that her son survived the accident.
3. massive a. 大規模的;巨大的
The road was blocked by a massive tree that had fallen.
4. destruction n. 毀壞,破壞
The floods brought destruction to the area, leaving many people homeless.
5. register vt.(儀器)記錄,測得
The thermometer registered as low as -11oC last night.
6. rigid a. 堅硬的,堅固的
This huge structure is held up by a rigid steel frame.
7. document vt. 記載,記錄
The film documents the tribe's traditional rituals.
8. shape vt. 使成為某種形狀;使成形
The military has shaped many boys into real men.
1. tectonic plate n. 板塊
  tectonic a. 地殼(構造)的
 tectonics n. 地殼構造學
2. crust n.(某物的)硬外層
3. magnitude n.(地震)震級,規模
4. wrath n. 憤怒,狂怒
5. geologic a. 地質的
  geologist n. 地質學家
  geology n. 地質學
6. volcanic eruption n. 火山爆發
7. tsunami n. 海嘯
...the 7.0-magnitude quake in Haiti and the one that registered 8.8 in Chile...
   地震發生後,氣象局通常會立刻發布該次地震的規模,所謂的『地震規模』,指的是一個地震所釋放出來的能量大小,故每個地震只有一個規模值。目前世界通用的地震規模,為美國地震學家芮氏(C. F. Richter)於 1935 年所創立的芮氏規模(Richter magnitude scale),不過一般在使用時,通常只會寫出"Richter scale"。要表達某地震的『芮氏規模為……』,其完整寫法為"register + 數字 + on the Richter scale"。或者如本文中直接寫成"數字-magnitude"亦可。
  The earthquake registered 6.5 on the Richter scale.
奇蹟世代不退場 痛苦世代正成形



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