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2012/02/07 第40期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱
Economics on a Board 棋盤上的經濟學--大富翁
Being one of the most successful board games ever made, Monopoly is just like the real world of business

  Monopoly is one of the most successful board games ever made. More than a billion people have played the game, which is surprising when you consider what it is about. In Monopoly, you buy, sell, and manage property2. The goal is to become richer than everyone else and take all your opponents' money. In fact, it is just like the real world of business. An American woman named Lizzie J. Magie came up with the original game in 1904. Later, a man named Charles Darrow tried to sell his version to a toy company.

  However, the company rejected Darrow, so he took it upon himself to make 5,000 sets of the game on his own and get them to a department store in time for Christmas. Word about Monopoly being a lot of fun spread, and every set was sold in no time. When the toy company realized their mistake, they arranged to buy the game from Darrow, and the rest is history.

  Magie's invention was called The Landlord's3 Game. She created it to show how bad it could get when someone controlled too much property. However, most people don't think about that when they are playing. Any Monopoly player will tell you that it is a game that breeds greed. Play for a minute and you will see. Before long, all you will want to do is win, win, win!.





  1. opponent n. 對手,敵手
    To everyone's surprise, the world champion was defeated by his opponent.
  2. original a. 最初的,原本的
    The original manuscript for that great book is kept in a special library.
  3. reject vt. 拒絕,回絕
    Darren couldn't believe that his girlfriend rejected his marriage proposal.
  4. breed vt. 引起,招致(尤指不好的事,三態為:breed, bred, bred。)
    Poverty is likely to breed crime and violence.
  5. greed n. 貪心,貪婪
    Driven by greed and envy, Gina tricked her friend out of a million dollars.
  1. take it upon + 反身代名詞 + to + 原形動詞  
    My mom took it upon herself to pack my suitcases for me for my trip to Europe.
  2. in no time  很快,立即
    Michelle recovered from her breakup in no time.
  3. ...and the rest is history  
    Wang Chien-ming made his MLB debut in 2005, and the rest is history.
  1. economics n. 經濟學
  2. property n. 財產,所有物(本文中亦作形容詞用)
  3. landlord n. 地主;房東

Word about Monopoly being a lot of fun spread...
以下為各位介紹 word 的不同意思及用法:

  1. 本文中的 word 表『消息』,為不可數名詞。
     Word has it + that 子句  傳言……
      Word has it that Allen is quitting soon.
  2. 若表『諾言』時,亦為不可數名詞。
    keep + 所有格 + word  (某人)堅守承諾
    When Sal makes a promise, he always keeps his word.
  3. 若表『言詞;文字』時,則為可數名詞。
    have a word with + 人  與某人談一談
    I'd like to have a word with you about your attitude.


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