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2013/02/19 第89期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Let's Get Physical!  體適能運動讓您活出健康人生

  When most people think of physical fitness, they think of hitting the gym. In reality, physical fitness is better defined in two separate categories. The first and most important is a person's state of health and well-being. In other words, it is not just about how much weight you can lift. Instead, it is more about how healthy your body is. A balanced diet, frequent exercise, and proper rest will enable you to perform daily tasks better. In addition, it will help boost your body's immune system when combating diseases.
  To improve your overall level of physical fitness, spending hours at a gym, which may cost lots of money to join, is not required. The Internet is full of practical tips that can help you add stretches and simple moves to your daily routine. For example, you can sit on an exercise ball instead of an office chair. Push-ups, sit-ups, and squats can easily be done at the foot of your bed and will help your blood flow. In Taiwan, playgrounds are not just for kids. Exercise equipment can be found in most parks and is available for public use at any hour of the day or night.



  1. define vt. 界定,使明確
    Your duties are clearly defined in the job description in the employee manual.
  2. category n. 類別,種類
    In this game show, players have to answer questions from seven different categories.
  3. frequent a. 頻繁的,時常發生的
    Frequent customers are given a special store card that provides them with extra discounts.
  4. enable + 人 + to + 原形動詞  使某人能夠(做)……
    Online stores enabled people to shop around without having to leave their homes.
  5. boost vt. 增強,促進
    The coach boosted the team's confidence by praising their good play.
  6. combat vt. 防止;抑制
    The mayor took stronger measures to combat unemployment in the city.
  7. overall a. 整體的,全部的
    I suggest you examine the overall situation before making a decision.
  8. practical a. 實用的;實際的
    I don't think Cathy's idea is practical because it will take a lot of time and money.
  1. physical fitness n. 體適能(運動)
  2. well-being n. 舒適;幸福
  3. immune system n. 免疫系統
  4. foot n. 尾端;底部

Basic Exercises 基本體適能運動

push-up  n. 伏地挺身
sit-up  n. 仰臥起坐
squat n. 蹲踞
stretch n. 伸展
twist n. 扭轉,扭腰
jumping jack n. 開合跳

岑永康+張珮珊 教你買幸福宅


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