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2013/04/02 第95期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Crocs Alive!  與鱷魚來場親密接觸吧!

  Few people have close encounters with crocodiles and live to tell about them. Fortunately, the clever people of Darwin, Australia have figured out a way to let people safely view these amazing creatures face to face. At Crocosaurus Cove, people can enter water that is shared with some of the world's largest saltwater crocodiles in the Cage of Death. Members of the park staff then feed the reptiles from above to give the people a thrilling experience.
  If you would rather put some space between you and the toothy creatures, there are around 100 baby crocs waiting to be fed from a safe distance. They have loads of energy and jump completely out of the water to snatch the food. If such an experience leaves you on edge, there are plenty of more gentle reptiles to be seen. The theme park also boasts a turtle reserve and a freshwater aquarium. Either way, Crocosaurus Cove is a fun way to spend the day with crocodiles, and you are guaranteed to leave with all your limbs.



  1. encounter n. 遭遇,經歷
    The article is about the reporter's first encounter with war.
  2. thrilling a. 刺激的,令人興奮的
    The movie features a strong cast and thrilling action scenes.
  3. loads/a load of...  很多/大量的……
    Maria put off our lunch date because she had a load of things to do.
  4. snatch vt. 抓住;搶去
    The teacher snatched the note that was being passed around from my hand.
  5. on edge  緊張不安
    Jeffery was on edge about meeting his girlfriend's parents for the first time.
  6. boast vt.(地方等)擁有(好的事物或特徵)
    The beautiful island boasts a variety of natural resources.
  7. either way  (兩種方式中的)任一種方式
    You can get there by MRT or bus, but it will take you half an hour either way.
  8. be guaranteed to + 原形動詞  肯定會(做)……
    The magic show is guaranteed to amaze audiences of all ages.
  1. crocodile n. 鱷魚(亦常簡稱為 croc)
  2. saltwater a. 生活於海/鹹水的
  3. reptile n. 爬蟲類
  4. toothy  a.(露出)很多牙齒的
  5. reserve n. 保護區
  6. freshwater a. 淡水的
  7. aquarium n. 水族館
  8. limb n. 四肢

本文"...leaves you on edge..."中的 leave 為不完全及物動詞,表『使……處於某狀態』,加受詞後,可接形容詞,也可接現在分詞(表主動概念)或過去分詞(表被動概念)作受詞補語。
The dancer's performance was so amazing that it left us speechless.
Vicky left her boyfriend waiting in the rain last night.
The typhoon left us trapped in the hotel for two days.



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