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2013/12/03 第128期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Meet Charles Dickens 遇見查爾斯•狄更斯

  It goes without saying that one of the most famous and brilliant authors of all time is Charles Dickens. Even though he passed away before the turn of the 20th century, his legacy lives on to this day. Dickens was born in England on February 7, 1812. He enjoyed a pleasant childhood until his father was sent to prison as a result of his debts. At the age of 12, Dickens left school and worked in a factory to support his family. He didn't receive much formal schooling after that, but the period also became the inspiration for much of his later writings.
  Dickens was around 20 when he began writing formally. However, he worked as a clerk before his first job as a reporter. Slowly, he began to write and edit articles, short stories, and novels. During this time, he married Catherine Hogarth and they had 10 children. Dickens died of a stroke in England at the age of 58 as one of the most influential writers of his time. Dickens is not only remembered for his literary talent but also for overcoming hardships and becoming the inspirational man we know him as today.



  1. of all time  有史以來
    Penicillin is considered to be one of the greatest medications of all time.
  2. pass away  過世(die的委婉語)
    My father passed away from a heart attack last month.
  3. live on  持續存在
    Though Shakespeare is long dead, his works live on.
  4. to this day  至今
    Alice's secret still remains untold to this day.
  5. work as...  擔任……
    Joe works as a special consultant for the police department.
  6. edit vt. 編輯;校訂
    The article is too long, so you need to edit it down to 500 words.
  7. die of...  死於(某疾病)
    Millions of people around the world die of heart disease every year.
  8. overcome vt. 克服;戰勝(三態為:overcome, overcame, overcome)
    We overcame all the difficulties thrown at us through teamwork.
  1. notable a. 顯著的
  2. heroine n. 女主角;女英雄
  3. touch n. 筆觸;風格
  4. extraordinary a. 非凡的,出色的
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