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2014/01/28 第135期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Reality Television 真人實境秀

  Turn on your TV at any time of day or night and chances are you will come across a reality-based program. These are shows in which everyday people compete against each other in order to win a prize. For most of the people appearing on these shows, 15 minutes of fame is all they will ever get. However, for some, mainstream success could be in the cards.
  One of the first-ever reality TV shows is a program called The Real World and was first aired in 1992. The show follows the lives of seven to eight young adults that don't know each other. It documents all the drama and struggles they face while living under one roof. First based in New York City, the show has been shot in cities around the US and is still filming to this day.
  The Real World was a hit, and producers rushed to find the next big thing, which turned out to be Survivor. This show pits regular people against each other as they try to survive in the wild. Plus, the contestants are voted off the show by their fellow castmates. They have every reason to be sneaky because the last person standing gets one million dollars.


  第一個電視真人秀節目在 1992 年首次播出,稱為《真實世界》。該節目取材於七到八個彼此不認識的年輕人的生活。記錄了他們在同一屋簷下所面臨的戲劇性及奮鬥事件。該節目一開始在紐約取鏡,然後在全美國各個城市取鏡,目前仍在拍攝中。

  1. compete against...  和……競爭
    You shouldn't even try to compete against Robert. He is the best speaker in the class.
  2. be in the cards  很有可能發生
    Another championship title seemed to be in the cards for the winning team.
  3. struggle n. & vi. 掙扎;奮鬥
    struggle to V  努力/掙扎(做)……
    Jim struggled to carry the big box of books up the stairs.
  4. film vt. 拍攝
    We filmed the opening scenes of our new movie in Birmingham.
  5. rush to V  匆忙做/趕緊做……
    Donna rushed to grab her son before he ran out into the street.
  6. pit sb/sth against sb/sth  使某人/某事與……較量
    We pitted our best man against theirs in a battle of wits.
  7. vote vt. & vi. 投票,表決
    vote for / against...  投票贊成/反對……
    Did you vote for or against this proposal?
  8. have every reason  充分的理由
    John had lied to us before, so we had every reason not to believe him.
  1. hit n. 風行一時的事物
  2. producer n. 製作人;生產者

關係副詞 in which 的用法
本文 "These are shows in which everyday people compete against..." 中的 in which 相當於關係副詞 where,之前有 shows(名詞)作為先行詞。用法如下:
This is the house where I once lived.
= This is the house in which I once lived.
This is the city in which I met Mary.
= This is the city where I met Mary.

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