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2014/02/25 第139期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Social Network That Changed the World 社群網路改變全世界

  By now, nearly everybody knows the back story of Facebook. Mark Zuckerberg and some friends hacked into the computer system at Harvard University and started a website to compare pairs of incoming freshmen. Then, he created a social network that was only for college students, and it took off like wildfire. Now, everyone can use Facebook, and it has become one of the biggest websites in the world, with the company being worth billions of dollars. For many people, Zuckerberg is a shining example of ingenuity. He came up with an idea that he still keeps improving to meet consumer demands.
  Facebook has only been around for 10 years, but in that time, it has had more than one billion people sign up for its service. To show how huge it is, if Facebook were a country, it would be the third largest in the world behind China and India in terms of population.
  Think about it. Are any of your friends not on Facebook? Wouldn't it be weird if they weren't? Nowadays, nearly everyone spends a few hours each day using its various functions. These include users checking their mail, writing status updates, sharing pictures, and looking through their newsfeeds on Facebook.



  1. hack into...  (非法)入侵(某系統)
    Someone may have hacked into our computer system.
  2. compare vt. 比較;比喻
    compare A with / to B  拿 A 和 B 相比
    My parents have a tendency to compare me with my older brother.
  3. take off  開始大受歡迎/成功
    Jill felt relieved when her business finally took off.
  4. come up with...  想出/提出(主意、點子)
    Mark came up with a creative way to solve the problem.
  5. sign up for...  註冊……;報名參加……
    Beth signed up for a yoga class at the YWCA.
  6. population n. 人口(集合名詞,通常與冠詞 a 並用)
    a large / small population  人口眾多/稀少
    There is a fairly large population of foreigners living in Taiwan.
  7. various a. 各式各樣的
    This vacuum cleaner comes with various cleaning attachments.
  8. look through sth  瀏覽某物
    Joe looked through his notes before the exam.
  1. wildfire n. 野火
  2. ingenuity n. 獨創性;巧妙(皆不可數)


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