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2014/04/22 第147期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Recorded Word 追本溯『字』

  There is no tool more valuable in learning a language than a dictionary. It puts the meaning of words right at your fingertips and helps you learn how to express yourself clearly. The next time you don't know what an English word means and have to look it up, you should give thanks to a man named Noah Webster.
  He was the man responsible for putting together and publishing the first American dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language, in 1806. It was the first book that truly separated American English from British English. The sequel, An American Dictionary of the English Language, wouldn't be released until over 20 years later. That is because Webster took time to learn 26 languages so that he could find the roots of the more than 70,000 English words included in the book. He would later form a partnership with the Merriam brothers, and the Merriam-Webster brand we know today was born.
  Of course, Merriam-Webster isn't the only game in town when it comes to dictionaries. Another big name in the word business is Oxford. The Oxford English Dictionary lays claim to being the largest collection of English word definitions. At present, it defines somewhere around 750,000 words, a truly staggering amount.


  1806 年,他是負責整理和出版美國第一本字典《簡明英語詞典》的人。《簡明英語詞典》是第一本真正區分美式英語和英式英語的書。直到二十多年後才發行了續篇——《美國英語詞典》。那是因為韋伯斯特花時間學習了二十六種語文,如此他才能找到書裡面七萬多個英文單字的字源。他後來和梅里亞姆兄弟結成伙伴的關係,而現今我們所知的《韋氏詞典》才誕生了。

  1. give thanks to...  感謝……
    Todd gave thanks to his grandmother for teaching him how to cook.
  2. be responsible for...  負責……
    On weekends, my sister and I are responsible for doing the dishes.
  3. publish vt. 出版,發行
    Our company publishes a variety of educational books.
  4. separate A from B  把 A 和 B 分開
    separate vt. 分離
    The mother stopped her two children from fighting by separating them.
  5. release vt. & n. 發行,發表
    The band's latest album won't be released until next March.
  6. so that...  如此一來/以便……
    = in order that...
    Anna drinks two cups of coffee in the morning so that she can be clear-headed for the day.
  7. lay claim to...  聲言……為己有,宣稱有……
    Several countries lay claim to inventing one of the world's most popular sports.
  8. staggering a. 驚人的;巨大的
    A staggering sum of money was spent on the couple's wedding.
  1. sequel n. 續篇,續集
  2. partnership n. 合作/合夥關係

It is / was 引導的強勢句構

本文 "It was the first book that truly separated American English..." 中的 It is / was +(代)名詞 + 關係代名詞 who / whom / which 引導的形容詞子句表『就是……』。

本句型稱為強勢句構。此處的 who, whom, which 均可用 that 取代。且翻譯本句構時,通常先譯形容詞子句,再譯被修飾的名詞或代名詞。

It was that little girl who solved the complicated puzzle.
It was the boy in the blue cap who stole my wallet.

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