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2014/07/22 第159期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Hobbiton 探索哈比人的故鄉 — 哈比屯

  In the early 2000s, The Lord of the Rings trilogy was filmed in New Zealand. Once filming had wrapped, the crew left behind the hobbit holes they had dug to film scenes of the Shire. Afterwards, fans flocked to explore these hobbit burrows, although little more than holes in the ground remained to be seen.
  However, after shooting the newest Hobbit trilogy, the film crew decided to leave the Shire untouched. Thus, a new amazing tourist attraction, the Hobbiton Film Set, was created. Delighted fans worldwide have celebrated the news.
  Visitors now can drop into the Shire, explore Bilbo's home, Bag End, and drink a mug of cider at the Green Dragon Inn. Tourists are encouraged to stroll along the Shire's paths, explore hobbit burrows, and walk through the hobbit gardens. Fans can tour the set and pretend that they are truly walking in Middle Earth. For many, this is a dream come true. Although New Zealand offers many beautiful sites, none have become as instantly popular as Hobbiton.


  然而,在《哈比人》三部曲最新一集拍攝完成後,劇組人員決定保留夏爾原本的完整風貌。因此,一個很棒的新景點 —— 哈比屯拍攝場景誕生了。世界各地的粉絲都在興高采烈地慶祝這個好消息。
  觀光客現在可以順道拜訪夏爾來探索比爾博的家 —— 袋底洞,並在綠龍客棧暢飲一大杯蘋果酒。旅客可以沿著夏爾的小徑漫步、一探哈比人的洞穴和穿梭在哈比人的花園中。粉絲可以遊覽各個場景,假裝他們真實地走在中土世界中。對許多人來說,這讓他們夢想成真。雖然紐西蘭有著許多美麗景點,但沒有一個景點能像哈比屯一樣一夕成名。

  1. crew n. 一隊工作人員
    After 10 minutes, the crew finished setting up the stage.
  2. leave behind...  留下……;拋下……
    Bill left behind his family and started a new journey on his own.
  3. tourist attraction n. 觀光勝地
    The factory became a tourist attraction after it was opened to the public.
  4. delighted a. 愉快的,高興的
    I will be delighted to go to your wedding ceremony.
  5. worldwide adv. 遍及全世界地
    Research shows that more than 100 children worldwide have the disease.
  6. drop into...  順便造訪……,臨時拜訪……
    It was Joe that dropped into my house this morning to tell me the good news.
  7. stroll vi. 散步,閒逛
    I love to stroll around the lake with my family in the evening.
  8. pretend vi. & vt. 假裝
    Sam pretends that he doesn't know how to play the piano, but actually he is an expert.
  1. trilogy n. 三部曲
  2. burrow n. 洞穴
  3. mug n. (有柄)大杯子,馬克杯
  4. cider n. 蘋果酒


本文中 "For many, this is a dream come true." 中的 a dream come true 表示『夢想成真』。例:

If the boss adopts my proposal, it would be a dream come true.

這個片語源自 a dream that has come true,其中的 come true 表『(夢想等)成真,實現』,後來簡化為 a dream come true,作名詞用,現已成為習慣用法。此外,表『使某人的夢想成真、實現某人的夢想』之說法尚有 "realize / fulfill / carry out + 所有格 + dream(s)"。例:

Sue works hard every day and night to realize / fulfill / carry out her dream.

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