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2014/07/29 第160期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Beret 時尚•藝術•貝雷帽

  You have seen them before on artists and army officers in movies. They keep the head warm while making you look cool. What other fashion accessory has lasted as long as the beret?
  We can thank the ancient Greeks for this gift to fashion. The Greeks first began wearing beret-style caps in the 5th century BC. Back then, berets were worn because they were practical, not fashionable. Since berets have no seams, they were useful for keeping soldiers' and workers' heads dry when working outdoors. Later, the Romans adopted this hat style and introduced its current flat shape. The cap quickly spread throughout the Roman Empire and became a status symbol for the high class.
  In modern times, no country is more closely associated with the beret than France. Records indicate that the French first wore the beret in the Basque and Bearn regions. To this day, young men in the province of Bearn receive a beret as a gift upon entering adulthood. For the rest of us, however, a beret is just a hat that expresses our creative side.



  1. practical a. 實用的,實際的
    I don't think your solution is very practical because it will cost too much money.
  2. fashionable a. 時髦的,流行的
    This unique table is not only functional, but it is also fashionable.
  3. adopt vt. 採用,採取
    After a week's consideration, the boss decided to adopt Meek's suggestion.
  4. current a. 目前的,當前的
    The supervisor assigned our team to research the current marketing trends.
  5. status n. 地位,身份
    The social status of women has slowly changed over the years.
  6. be associated with...  與……有關
    The doctor said Harry's allergies are associated with the food he eats.
  7. indicate vt. 顯示,表明
    Research indicates that drinking green tea daily can lower chances of getting cancer.
  8. to this day  至今
    Even to this day, Monica is still deeply in love with her first boyfriend.
  1. accessory n. 裝飾物,小配件
  2. seam n. 縫,線縫
  3. province n. 省
字尾 -hood 的用法
本文 "...receive a beret as a gift upon enterting adulthood." 中的 adulthood 表『成年(時期)』,其字尾 -hood 常表『……時期/狀態』,相關常見的字尚有 childhood(童年時期)及 brotherhood(手足之情)等,例:

The tribe's young boys completed the rite and passed into adulthood.

My dog played an important role in my childhood.

The Vietnam War veteran still holds a strong sense of brotherhood with his fellow vets.
* veteran [ `vEtJrJn ] n. 退伍軍人(vet 為簡稱)


柴可夫斯基是俄羅斯的浪漫樂派作曲家。他出生於一個貴族家庭,從五歲就開始學鋼琴,並在幾個月以後就能熟練演奏Friedrich Kalkbrenner的作品Le Fou,非常有天份。

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