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2014/08/19 第163期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Why Walk When You Can Run and Roll? 飛躍天際:跑酷任我行

  One thing that makes parkour different from many other types of athletic activities is the fact that it is strictly non-competitive. Parkour participants believe that turning the activity into a sport with competitors would take away from its original philosophy. The focus of parkour is developing an individual's mental and physical toughness to be ready to face any challenge. In fact, there was a website that led a campaign in 2007 to fight against attempts to make it a competitive sport.
  Rather than holding competitions to see who is the best, parkour enthusiasts get together and practice various moves to improve their skills. It is not only men who do parkour, as more and more women are getting involved as well.
  In addition to these get-togethers, called jams, there are also gyms that provide space to practice the art of parkour. However, those who are quite serious about parkour prefer to use outdoor urban environments much more than indoor facilities. For people eager to learn how to perform parkour, check out a few videos on YouTube and get outside.


  跑酷與眾不同於其他運動的一點在於跑酷完全不具競爭性。跑酷玩家相信將跑酷變成和對手競爭的運動會失去其原本的原則。跑酷的重點是鍛鍊個人身心的強健,隨時迎接任何挑戰。事實上, 2007 年有個網站發起一項活動,反對一些有心人企圖使跑酷變成競爭性的運動。
  除了這些又稱作『jams』的跑酷玩家聚會,也有提供練習跑酷技巧空間的體育館。不過,有些對跑酷甚是認真的玩家偏好善用戶外城市環境更甚於室內場所。對急於學習如何玩跑酷的人們,快瞧瞧 YouTube 上的一些影片,走出戶外吧。

  1. take away from...  貶損……的價值
    I don't want to take away from Mark's achievement, but I think he should have thanked his colleagues for their help.
  2. face / meet a challenge  迎接挑戰
    The company has to face one challenge after another from its competitors.
  3. get together  聚在一起
    We haven't seen each other in years. Let's find some time to get together.
  4. various a. 各式各樣的
    At the book fair, I picked up various books and magazines from countries around the world.
  5. get / be involved (in)...  參與/從事……
    Linda got involved in many school activities.
  6. provide vt. 提供
    provide sb with sth  提供某人某物
    The hotel provides all their guests with free Internet.
  7. be eager to V  急切/渴望(做)……
    Rachel was eager to find out what she was getting for her birthday.
  8. perform vt. 做;執行
    perform surgery on sb  對某人動手術
    = perform an operation on sb
    The doctor had to perform surgery on the patient right away.
  1. philosophy n. 原則;哲學
  2. toughness n. 強健
  3. enthusiast n. 熱衷者
  4. get-together n. 聚會
  5. urban a. 都市的
  6. facilities n.(供特定用途的)場所
常春藤?夏!開學ING 健康隨行!
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