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2014/10/07 第169期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Weird Hotels from around the World 來『趣』住一晚 ── 全球特色旅館

  There is no shortage2 of unique places to stay when you head out on vacation. There are hotels, youth hostels3, B&Bs4, home stays, and more. Each serves a different kind of traveler. A youth hostel is good for young backpackers. A B&B might be best for couples or anybody that likes peace and quiet. What if you like the places where you stay to be a bit outside the usual? There are plenty of travelers who like to stay in places others might consider, well, kind of strange.
   For travelers who are
bookworms5, the Library Hotel in New York City is a must-see. Each of the hotel's 60 rooms is filled with books. In fact, the hotel has 6,000 books in all. What's more, each of the floors is dedicated to a specific category of the Dewey Decimal System. If history is your thing, the ninth floor is for you. People who love technology will want to stay on the sixth floor. Philosophers6 will feel at home on the 11th floor. On the roof, there's a cozy lounge where you can curl up by the fireplace with a good book or relax outside in the Poetry Garden.



  1. unique a. 獨特的
    Alex has a unique job. He designs menus for restaurants.
  2. consider vt. 認為;把……視為
    Shakespeare is considered one of the greatest writers of all time.
  3. dedicate...to...  提供……給……;將……奉獻/致力於……
    be dedicated to N/V-ing
    The newspaper dedicated two whole pages to pictures of the sporting event.
    Sam has been dedicated to the field of education for 20 years.
  4. specific a. 特定的
    In this video game, you have specific tasks to finish in each level.
  5. technology n. 科技
    New technology is being applied to every aspect of life.
  6. feel at home  舒適自在,不拘束
    My grandmother's hospitality makes the guests feel at home.
    * hospitality n. 好客
  7. cozy a. 舒適的
    The hotel room was so cozy that we wanted to stay for one more night.
  8. curl up  蜷縮
    After a long day's work, all I want to do is curl up on my sofa.
  1. novel a. 新穎的,新奇的
  2. shortage n. 短缺,不足
  3. hostel n. 青年旅舍
  4. B&B (Bed and Breakfast) n.(提供住宿及早餐的)民宿
  5. bookworm n. 極愛讀書的人;書蟲
  6. philosopher n. 哲學家
常春藤一夏!開學ING 健康隨行!
蘋果大戰開打 手機、平板、筆電市場挪移


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