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2014/10/14 第170期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Step into Art 3D 奇幻美術館•不思議

  Art galleries1 are not for everyone. Sometimes children become bored looking at paintings from hundreds of years ago. At the Art in Paradise Museum in Thailand, art comes alive and allows for a fun experience that children will especially love. The museum was created by 13 South Korean artists and can be found in four cities across Thailand. All of the Art in Paradise galleries are made to look like a 3D playground because the artists have cleverly used borders and shading, so it looks like the art is really jumping out of the wall.
  While many museums and galleries don't allow the use of cameras, Art in Paradise actually
encourages it. There are even stickers on the floors that act as markers to tell people where to stand for the best photo opportunity. Museum goers can have their photo taken swimming with sharks or with a polar bear2 stealing a sip of coconut juice. If viewers have never been to Venice, or to a bullfight in Spain, or walked over a river of hot lava3, when they leave Art in Paradise, they will have a few photos that will certainly trick people into believing they have done those things.


  並不是每一個人都喜歡畫廊。有時孩子們會對盯著數百年以前的畫作感到枯燥乏味。在泰國的 3D 立體美術館中,這些藝術創作皆栩栩如生,提供尤其深受孩子們喜愛的好玩體驗。該美術館由十三位南韓畫家創立,在泰國有四座城市都可見到這樣的美術館。所有的 3D 立體美術館皆被打造成看起來像3D 遊樂場,因為這些畫家巧妙地運用邊線和明暗法(編按:使用強烈光影對比的繪畫技巧),所以這些藝術創作看起來彷彿真的從牆上跳了出來。
  雖然許多美術館和畫廊禁止使用相機,3D 立體美術館實際上卻鼓勵大家拍照。地板上甚至貼有標籤充當記號告訴大家該站在哪兒拍照最好。到 3D 立體美術館的遊客可以和鯊魚一起游泳拍照,也可以和正偷喝一口椰子汁的北極熊拍照。觀展者如果從未去過威尼斯、看西班牙的鬥牛或者漫步經過充滿滾燙岩漿的一條河,當他們離開 3D 立體美術館時,他們會有一些照片,這些照片肯定會騙倒大家相信他們真的做過那些事。

  1. come alive  變得栩栩如生
    Within their pages are worlds that come alive by the power of the author's imagination.
  2. allow for...  使能……;提供……機會
    The water park allows for a great adventure for people of all ages.
  3. encourage vt. 鼓勵;促進
    You should encourage your sister to study so she won't fail.
  4. opportunity n. 機會
    seize the opportunity  把握機會
    You should seize the opportunity to travel whenever you can.
  5. steal a sip of...  偷喝一口……
    Benny always tries to steal a sip of his dad's beer.
  6. have been to + 某地方  曾經去過某地
    In short, that was the best concert that I've ever been to.
  7. walk over...  穿過……
    Karl walked over the road and looked in the window.
  8. trick sb into Ving  欺騙某人(做)……
    The bad man tricked Maureen into buying a part of the Golden Gate Bridge.
  1. gallery n. 藝廊;畫廊
  2. polar bear n. 北極熊
  3. lava n. 熔岩
常春藤一夏!開學ING 健康隨行!


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