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2015/02/24 第187期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Apples of Fun  一口入魂•焦糖蘋果

  Fairs and festivals have always provided entertainment and had interesting things for people to eat. Recently, creative vendors have tried to attract people to their stands by making unusual things like chocolate-covered bacon, deep fried beer, and even spaghetti with meatballs on a stick. One snack has been a favorite at fairs and festivals since they started, though, and is still sold today. Those delicious treats are caramel apples.
  To make caramel apples, one must first heat up some caramel. Once it becomes a liquid, put a stick into one end of an apple and roll it around in the hot, gooey1 caramel. The caramel-covered apple is then rolled onto a plate full of nuts or other sweets to make it taste even more delicious.
  While caramel apples are available all year round, they become especially eye-catching in the fall, since that is when apples are in season. People who have Halloween parties sometimes make their own caramel apples and decorate them with marshmallows2 to make them look like ghosts or jack-o'-lanterns3. No matter what time of year they are eaten, caramel apples always make a delicious and messy treat.



  1. creative a. 創造性的;有創造力的
    Robbie is so creative that he came up with many interesting ideas.
  2. attract vt. 吸引;引誘
    Al ended up marrying Eva even though he wasn't attracted to her at first.
  3. heat up  加熱;越來越激烈
    With two minutes left and the score tied at 100, the game really started to heat up.
  4. available a. 可獲得的;可用的
    The travelers went from place to place seeking any room available.
  5. all year round  一年到頭
    The beach is packed with sunbathers all year round.
    * be packed with...  擠滿……
  6. in season  正當時令,盛產中
    Strawberries are in season, while watermelons are out of season now.
  7. decorate A with B  以 B 裝飾 A
    Mom decorated the new house with original artwork from India.
  8. messy a. 使不整潔的;雜亂的
    The curly-haired girl has trouble taming her messy hair on humid days.
  1. gooey a. 軟而黏的
  2. marshmallow n. 棉花糖
  3. jack-o'-lantern n. 南瓜燈
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