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2015/04/28 第195期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Dreamcatcher  悠遊*捕夢網**的詩意。美麗

  As the story goes, the Spider Woman Asibikaashi was the protector1 of all the people of the Ojibwe Nation. As the Ojibwe spread across North America, however, Asibikaashi could no longer watch over all of them. Mothers and grandmothers started using twigs2 to make spider webs to hang over the beds of their children to protect them from bad dreams and evil thoughts. These were the first dreamcatchers.
  According to legend, the spiderweb shape of dreamcatchers acts like a real spiderweb to catch and hold evil spirits. Dreamcatchers were originally from the Ojibwe Nation, one of many nations of Native Americans. As the Ojibwe intermarried3 and traded with other nearby nations, dreamcatchers spread across North America, but they were still very specific to only certain tribes.
  In the 1960s and 1970s, however, Native American culture grew in popularity among non-Native Americans. The dreamcatcher became a symbol of Native American culture and not just the Ojibwe Nation. Today dreamcatchers have become big business. Many people around the world buy them for decorating windows and hang them over beds. Though dreamcatchers may not really be catching evil spirits, they are still a significant symbol of Native American history and culture.







  據說蜘蛛夫人 Asibikaashi 是所有奧吉布瓦族人的守護者。然而,當奧吉布瓦族擴及整個北美時,Asibikaashi 便無法再守護他們所有人。族裡的母親和祖母開始用小樹枝織蜘蛛網懸掛在她們孩子的床頭上方,以保護孩子遠離惡夢和邪念。這些是最初的捕夢網。

  1. As the story goes, ...  據說……
    As the story goes, this village was the boyhood home of the president.
  2. no longer...  不再……
    We no longer have to travel far to watch a movie.
  3. hang over...  吊在/懸掛在……(之上)
    The bat hung over the fruit as it ate it.
  4. protect...from...  保護……免於……
    The jacket protected me from the freezing cold.
  5. be specific to...  僅限於……特有的
    This problem is specific to big cities.
  6. grow in popularity  越來越受歡迎
    Organic foods have grown in popularity since people have put more emphasis on healthy living.
  7. a symbol of...  ……的象徵
    symbol n. 象徵;符號
    The Statue of Liberty in New York City is a symbol of freedom.
  8. significant a. 意義重大的,重要的
    Hard work plays a significant role in achieving success.
  1. protector n. 守護者
  2. twig n. 小樹枝,嫩枝
  3. intermarried a. 異族通婚的

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