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2015/12/22 第226期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Living on the Edge  高高在上的一夜 --— 祕魯天空旅館

   Along the Andes Mountains in Peru sits the Sacred Valley of the Incas. The valley is most famously known for being located near the Incan capital of Cusco and the ancient city of Machu Picchu. Though the Incan Empire has long since disappeared, the Natura Vive Skylodge is giving travelers another reason to visit the Sacred Valley of the Incas—a night in the world's scariest hotel.
  Now, fearless travelers can stay the night in a glass capsule resting against a 400-foot-high mountain face. The 24-foot-long pod gives guests a 300-degree view of the Sacred Valley along with all the other bells and whistles expected in a hotel room. These incredible comforts do come with one catch: in order to stay the night, guests must climb 400 feet up a mountain. The hotel does provide guides for less experienced climbers to get up the mountain. People willing to brave the night hanging off the side of a mountain will have to spend more than US$300 for the chance. The only thing scarier than that is figuring out how to get down.


   沿著祕魯的安地斯山脈坐落著印加人的聖谷。這座山谷因為位置接近印加帝國的首都庫斯科及古城馬丘比丘而名聞遐邇。雖然印加帝國早已消失,祕魯天空旅館卻給了旅客們另一個造訪印加聖谷的理由 —— 在世上最嚇人的旅館住上一晚。

  1. long since  早已……
    Bill had long since given up the idea of trying to lose weight.
  2. disappear vi. 消失,不見
    The bank robber disappeared without a trace.
    * trace n. 蹤跡
  3. fearless a. 大膽的;無懼的
    There is a fine line between being fearless and being stupid.
  4. along with...  以及……;與……一起
    Our former colleague Rachel sent us a giant box of cookies along with a letter from America.
  5. comfort n. 使生活舒適之物;奢侈品
    Modern SUVs offer all the comforts of home.
    * SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle) n. 休旅車
  6. catch n. 隱藏的困難,陷阱,圈套(口語用法)
    This contract looks too good to be true. I'm sure there must be a catch somewhere.
  7. climb up  攀登,爬上
    It is almost impossible to climb up such a high tree.
  8. brave vt. 勇敢地面對……
    brave the weather  不顧天氣惡劣
    More than a thousand people braved the weather and went to the concert.
  1. unique a. 獨特的
  2. sacred a. 神聖的
  3. capsule n. 密封艙;膠囊
  4. pod n. 吊艙;容器
  5. bells and whistles n. 附加的特色;額外的賣點



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